Nominate a Good Neighbor for a Neighborhood Builder Award

September 28, 2023
Neighborhood & Community Services
Karen Foley - 270-393-3674
Bowling Green, KY
Nominate a Good Neighbor for a Neighborhood Builder Award

The City of Bowling Green Neighborhoods Division seeks nominations to recognize individuals, neighborhood groups and organizations who have had a positive impact for neighborhoods and for our community at large.

The City of Bowling Green Neighborhoods Division seeks nominations to recognize individuals, neighborhood groups and organizations who have had a positive impact for neighborhoods and for our community at large. Nominees and award winners will be recognized at the 21st Neighborhood Builders Banquet to be held Monday, November 20 at the Sloan Convention Center. There are so many neighbors and organizations to honor, as the awards were not given 2020-2022 due to COVID and tornado memorial events.

If you would like to nominate one neighbor or several, you can submit your nomination or email to

The deadline to nominate is Friday, Nov. 10, 2023.


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