Special Events
Special Events can range from weddings, to block parties, to festivals, to races and parades. In the context of permitting, Special events are defined as any activity which occurs upon private or public property that will affect the ordinary use of the public property, public streets, rights-of-way, or sidewalks. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Fairs
- Parades
- Festivals
- Foot runs
- Bicycle runs
- Block parties
Because events of this type require communication with many city departments and agencies (from Police to Public Works), events that take place on public property or in city streets require completed applications on file with Citizen Information & Assistance.
Special Event Permit
This permit is required for any event that is held on or passes through public property. This includes public parks, rights-of-way, sidewalks, the airport, and all public streets for any use other than lawful parking. The completed application form should be returned to the Citizen Information & Assistance office at least 45 days prior to the first day of the event.
Parade Permit
If you are hosting a race, walk, or parade, you are required to fill out a Parade Permit Application. This permit must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the first day of the event.
Street Closure Permit
This permit is required for any events held on private property where streets will need to be closed for pedestrian safety. The completed application should be returned to the Citizen Information & Assistance office at least 45 days prior to the first day of the event.
Special Noise Variance Application
If your event will take place in a residential area on private property and could create excessive noise, you will need to fill out a Special Noise Variance Application. This permit must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the first day of the event.
Special Noise Variance Application
Downtown Park Application (Fountain Square Park, Circus Square Park, or Mitch McConnell Park )
To obtain approval for the rental of Circus Square Park, Fountain Square Park or Mitch McConnell Park(collectively referred to as Downtown Parks), the applicant must complete the application below and submit it to Bowling Green Parks & Recreation.
Downtown Park Rental Application
Reserving a Park Facility
To reserve a park shelter or facility, you may contact the Parks Administrative Office at 270-393-3549 or email bgpr@bgky.org for reservation and rental information. We would like to work with you to make your event a success!
Insurance, Deposits, & Additional Permits
Depending on the circumstances, your event may require a liability insurance, clean-up/sanitation deposits, or additional permits. The Citizen Information & Assistance office can help guide you through the process and help determine which additional items may be necessary.
General Rules and Procedures
- The event organizer must have written verification on site at all times during the event.
- The use of alcohol at your event requires additional Alcohol Beverage Control licenses, along with additional insurance and lease agreements.
- You are required to provide an adequate number of portable toilets to accommodate the anticipated crowd, including handicap accessible portable toilets.
- No vehicles or trailers may be parked on the sidewalks.
- No drilling of holes in streets or sidewalks or no paint may be applied on the ground.
- Tents over 400 sq ft will require an additional Tent Permit.
Let us know if anything is wrong with this page. However, please don't include any personal or financial information.