Housing Assistance
Contact Us
Phone: 270-393-3715 or
1-800-648-6056 (TDD for hearing impaired)
Emial: housing@bgky.org or
Contact Us and select Housing assistance.
The Housing Division of the City of Bowling Green: A High Performing Agency
The Housing Division is responsible for providing rental assistance with Housing Choice vouchers to low income families and individuals meeting eligibility requirements. We have been named a High Performing Agency by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development for the past ten years.
What is the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)?
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a form of federal rent subsidy which assists participating low-income households with monthly rental payments to ensure that the resident has a safe, decent and sanitary place to live. The Housing Division administers funds received from HUD and distributes them in the form of Housing Choice Vouchers to eligible families and individuals. Currently, program assists over 600 households in the city of Bowling Green. A Voucher allows participating households (tenants) to rent housing that meets their needs. The tenant pays a portion of the rent directly to the landlord. The Housing Division pays the landlord the difference between the tenant's portion of the rent and the total rent amount due.
Stability Vouchers
The Housing Division administers 5 Stability Vouchers (SV) through the partnership with Kentucky Balance of State Continuum of Care (KHC). Stability Vouchers aim to provide safe and affordable housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. For eligibility description, please click below. If your household meets any of these eligibility criteria, please send an email to Kentucky Balance of State Continuum of Care (CoordinatedEntry@kyhousing.org)
HUD-VASH VOUCHERS (For Homeless Veterans)
Housing and Urban Development-Veteran Affairs Supported Housing is a long-term intensive case management program for homeless Veterans. Funding for HUD-VASH comes from a collaboration between the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Eligible Veterans receive case management services designed to resolve current homelessness and prevent future episodes of homelessness. In addition, Veterans receive access to a Section 8 housing voucher, which can substantially subsidize housing rental cost.
Goal of the HUD-VASH voucher program is to provide safe supported housing for our most vulnerable homeless Veterans.
This is NOT an emergency-based housing program. You CANNOT apply for HUD-VASH Vouchers on line.
Point of contact for Warren, Logan, Simpson and Allen Counties of KY:
Jennifer Cromer, CSW 615-419-0442 or Deborah Duvall, LCSW 615-968-1408
Applying for Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
When submitting your application, you will be required to select the preference you believe you qualify for. To ensure your application is approved and your name is placed on the waiting list, you must upload the appropriate verification for the preference you have selected before submitting your application.
Important: If the required verification is not uploaded, your application will be rejected.Verification Requirements for Local Admission Preferences:
- The uploaded document must be a scanned copy of the original, showing the full page, and with no background. Alternatively, you may bring the original document to our office before submitting your application.
Local Homeless Preference
- Referral letter from the local shelter or an approved local homeless service organization indicating the family has resided at the shelter for at least 30 of the past 45 days.
- Alternatively, verification that the family has completed homeless services and is prepared for permanent housing and will continue to receive case management services from an approved local homeless service organization.
Local Residency Preference (either of these two circumstances will qualify)
A verification of permanent physical residence within the city limits of Bowling Green:
- Utility bill issued within 30 days (electric, gas, water, sewer, trash, telephone, or cable/satellite), or
- Benefit letter issued within 30 days (from Social Security Administration, Food Stamps, Welfare Office, Pension or Retirement), or
- Paystub that indicates the name and the address of the applicant issued within the last 30 days.
A verification of working or have been notified of a hiring to work in the City limits of Bowling Green:
- The most recent paystub that indicates name of the applicant along with the physical address of the employment site, or
- Employment form or a statement from the current employer verifying the name, employment status and the address of the job site.
Scholar House
Scholar House: Information Sheet Scholar House: Pre-Application Card
- A referral letter from the Scholar House program.
Displaced by Government Action
- A verification letter from the City of Bowling Green NCS department confirming displacement from home due to grant related activity or local code compliance activity undertaken by the City of Bowling Green.
Click on the Applicant/Waiting list to begin the process of applying for housing assistance. Applicant/Waiting List Portal
What is Housing Assistance Fraud?
Fraud involves lying, deceiving or other actions that may result in the misuse of Section 8 funds, or any violation pursuant to HUD regulations and Housing Choice Voucher Program rules. If you suspect fraudulent activity, email housing@bgky.org or call 270-393-3715 immediately with detailed information on the location and suspicious activity regarding tenants or landlords who participate in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.
What are the Income Limits for Eligibility?
2024 Bowling Green, KY HUD Metro FMR Area Median Income: $85,700
FY2024 Income Limit Category | Very Low (50%) Income Limits |
1 Person | $29,900 |
2 Person | $34,200 |
3 Person | $38,450 |
4 Person | $42,700 |
5 Person | $46,150 |
6 Person | $49,550 |
7 Person | $52,950 |
8 Person | $56,400 |
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