Automatic Sprinklers

This is a partial listing of where sprinklers are required [See the Kentucky Building Code (Chapter 9) for a complete listing and requirements. 

  • Theaters with live stage - any size, or movie houses
  • Night clubs - more than 5,000 square feet
  • Restaurants - more than 5,000 square feet
  • Business Office Buildings - over 12 stories in height
  • Mercantile-Sales Stores - more than 12,000 square feet
  • Factory - more than 12,000 square feet
  • Furnace rooms - boiler rooms*
  • Unlimited area buildings - any size
  • High hazard - any size
  • Residential units  - over 2 stories in height
  • In any windowless story
  • Storage or workshop areas*
  • Spray painting rooms*

* May be Domestic Sprinklers

Unlike insurance requirements, which are directed primarily toward the prevention of property losses, building codes are aimed at the preservation of life. They carry the force of law and must be complied with. Codes are flexible, however; and blind code compliance alone (as with simply meeting insurance requirements) may result in a fire protection system which is over-designed or under-designed with respect to the potential hazard. As a result, it is important to consult with qualified fire protection engineers to insure the most effective protection at the most economical cost. (See the Kentucky Building Code for complete listing of all requirements.)

Hazard Evaluation

Hazard Evaluation encompasses two basic considerations:

Building Construction:

Building construction considerations include the following:

  1. Location and exposure: If the building is remote from public fire protection, it must compensate through improved private protection. In addition, the dangers of fire from exposure must be considered; i.e., the possibility of ignition from fire in an adjoining building.
  2. Construction type: There are five basic types of construction: fire-resistive, non-combustible, heavy timber, ordinary, and wood frame. Each presents special fire protection situations and demands. In addition, such features as framing, walls and partitions, floor and roof assemblies and coverings, interior finishes, floor openings, exit locations, provisions for venting smoke and heat, and types of building equipment and facilities must be evaluated.

Building Occupancy

The second phase of hazard evaluation involves building occupancy, of which there are three main classifications: light hazard, ordinary hazard, and extra hazard. Light hazards include apartments, churches, hotels, schools, office buildings, and similar structures where effective fire protection can be provided by light-than-average means. Ordinary hazard occupancies include general mercantile, manufacturing and other industrial properties. Fire protection usually can be provided with a typical sprinkler system. Extra hazard occupancies are the most demanding and specialized. this group covers the storage, manufacturing or processing of highly combustible or explosive products or materials. Because of the variables in manufacturing and handling each will require a specialize system.


The design for any sprinkler system for buildings requiring the services of an architect or an engineer shall be provided by a licensed professional engineer


The installation of all sprinkler system piping (overhead, underground and specialized) shall be performed by a state licensed suppression contractor.

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