History of Bowling Green
The city of Bowling Green has a strong history, dating all the way back to 1775. The city, citizens, and the historic preservation board all keep the spirit of Bowling Green past and present alive and is what drives this city not to be just any other city but to be Bowling Green City.
Photo Care of: Kentucky Library and Museum, Western Kentucky University

Early History of Bowling Green, Kentucky
Learn about the early history of Bowling Green, which began as a lonely settlement in the wilderness and quickly became a thriving commercial center.

History of Bowling Green City Hall
Learn about the history of Bowling Green City Hall. Discover where City Hall was originally located, when the new building was created, and historic events that have taken place at the current location.

History of the Bowling Green Fire Department
View images from the long history of the Bowling Green Fire Department.

History of the Police Department
Read a detailed overview on the history of the Bowling Green Police Department.

History of Parks & Recreation
Learn more about the history of the Bowling Green Parks & Recreation Department. Also, review some of the many awards the department has won over the years.

History of Fountain Square Park
Learn more about the history of Fountain Square Park in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Historical List of Mayors
View images of past mayors of the City of Bowling Green. Images go back into the 1870's.

Historical Photo Gallery
View historical photos taken throughout Bowling Green, Kentucky of various popular locations and departments.

City Seal
View the history of the City of Bowling Green's seal/flag, and download copies that can be used by the public.
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