Property Taxes

Property Tax Quick Search
Information can also be provided by contacting City Information at 270-393-3000
The Treasury office collects property taxes for the City itself and also for the Bowling Green Independent School System. The property values are determined by the Warren County Property Valuation Administrator. In Kentucky, a property is valued at 100% of fair market value, as of January 1 of each year.
Below are some quick informational links regarding City Property taxes. Use the quick property tax search box to find how much is owed, or pay current or past property taxes using the Pay Now button.
Property Tax Search
This is a tool to help citizens look up invoices related to a specific piece of property within Bowling Green, KY.
Property Tax & Other Online Payments
Citizens and businesses can access our eMiscellaneous Billing portal to pay real and personal property taxes, code enforcement, animal control violations, parking tickets, and other miscellaneous invoices. Only $2 per payment transaction.
Property Tax Rates
View a listing of City proper, City Annex, and County rates for both real and personal property.
Annual Property Tax Invoices
Miscellaneous information about how and where to pay, due dates, and other valuable information.
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