Contractor Education
You must have a minimum of 3 hours continuing education credit hours in order to renew your General Contractors License!
This is in accordance with Bowling Green Municipal Order BG2009-33, and Warren County Ordinance 09-18WC, a copy of which may be obtained by contacting the Contractors Licensing Board office at 270-781-3530. (Click here for the Amendment regarding contractor education requirements)
The Contractors Licensing Board offers continuing education courses in association with the Builders Association of South Central Kentucky. Many of these classes are free to attend. Any licensed contractor may take advantage of these classes. (You do not have to be a member of the Builders Association). (Click here for class information)
Certification of attendance at the required continuing education classes shall be submitted no later than 30 days following your license expiration date and a maximum of 3 excess credit hours may be carried over into two successive educational years. Failure to complete the minimum educational requirements will result in a contractor’s license being revoked.
Call the Contractors Licensing Board at 270-781-3530 or visit the Contractors Licensing Board event calendar for more information on continuing education requirements and classes offered.