
Continuing Education Classes

Continuing education courses and various seminars are also available to all licensed contractors and/or their employees. These are currently co-sponsored by the Contractors Licensing Board and the Builders Association of Bowling Green.

Apprenticeship Classes

Apprenticeship classes are available to all licensed contractors and/or their employees. These classes are co-sponsored by the Contractors Licensing Board and the Associated Builders and Contractors.

A list of classes will be posted as soon as they become available.

WKU Micro-Credentials

WKU Micro-credentials are available to all licensed contractors and/or their employees. Registration and payment are made to WKU. Please forward a certificate of completion along with company information to the Contractors Licensing Board staff for Continuing Education credit.

Podcasts & Verification Quizzes

Listen to any of the podcasts below and complete the verification quiz. If you score 70% or higher on the quiz, you will receive a 1 hour Continuing Education (CE) credit:

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