City Public Works – EPSC Podcast & Quiz

How It Works:

  1. Click the link below to listen to the podcast.
  2. Complete the quiz at the bottom of this page. Be sure to answer all questions before submitting.
  3. If you score 70% or higher, you’ll receive 1 hour of Continuing Education (CE) credit.

Link to Podcast

Verification Quiz:

Question 1: When do you need a permit in the city?

Question 2: What does EPSC stand for?

Question 3: How often do inspections occur during construction?

Question 4: Who is responsible for keeping construction materials off streets, out of drainage structures streams and other properties?

Question 5: At what % are inspections stopped?

Question 6: What does BMP stand for?

Question 7: What inches does the city require of DGA and concrete for sidewalk construction?

Question 8: What does DGA stand for?

Question 9: Disturbed areas that won’t be worked for 14 days must be stabilized.

Question 10: Who is responsible if existing concrete sidewalks are damaged during a construction project?

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