MicroFit Evaluation
Measure your fitness/wellness levels, identify the parameters of fitness that you would like to improve or use this assessment to help you plan your fitness program and get you started on the road to a healthier you!
Test will include:
- A three (3) page Personal Printout Report
- Blood Pressure/Pulse Readings
- Body Weight/Body Fat Percentage
- Upper Body Strength Level
- Back Flexibility Total
- Cardiovascular/Aerobic Fitness Levels
- Total Fitness Score
- Interpretation of your Report and Fitness Levels with an Instructor
You must schedule an appointment for your evaluation prior to your test date and time. You do not have to be a member of our fitness program. Allocate 45 minutes to one (1) hour for your test and interpretation.
To schedule an assessment or for more information, contact Frank LaManna at 270-393-3232 or by email at
Fee: $10.00 (Member) & $20.00 (Non-Member)
Subsequent Tests: $5.00 (Member) & $10.00 (Non-Member)