Memorial Bench Program

The Memorial Bench Program offers everyone the opportunity to remember friends or family members while contributing to the enhancement of the Bowling Green Parks. Your participation in this special program will honor the memory of a friend or family member and provide an attractive and useful amenity to our parks and green spaces.

How the Memorial Bench Program works

To participate in this program the individual must first contact the Parks and Recreation Landscape Manager to discuss the desired location to determine if this space is available and approved for bench installations. The Landscape Manager will work with the individual to choose a location that is suitable to the individual and also conforms to the City Parks current and future plans.

Once a location has been determined and approved by the City of Bowling Green the individual will purchase the Memorial Bench directly from the supplier and have it shipped to the Parks and Recreation Department for assembly and installation. The Parks and Recreation staff will provide an appropriately sized concrete base on which to affix the bench in such manner that it cannot be readily moved.

Installation Location

The Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Department strives to maintain a diverse and user friendly experience throughout our parks system. Some locations may not be suitable or appropriate for bench installations due to current park usage and activities, or future plans. To ensure the success of the Memorial Bench installation the Landscape Manager will work with the individual to select a location that best meets their wishes and conforms to the intended use of that space.
Please note that Kereiakes Park is no longer an option to place a park bench.

Bench Selection and Engraving

For the sake of conformity in appearance and quality of product necessary for installation in a public space the individual may choose from one of two styles of approved bench. Each style to be determined by the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Dept. based upon the desired Park location and existing amenities in that vicinity. Benches may be purchased and engraved directly from OCCOutdoors and delivered directly to the Parks and Recreation Dept. for assembly.

The two approved style of benches are wood grained recycled plastic and black metal steel benches (

  1. 6ft Cambridge Memorial park bench (Cedar) wood grained recycled plastic
  2. 6ft Broadway Memorial park bench (Black) or 6ft Memorial park bench (Black) steel

All Memorial engraving will be included with purchase and supplied by the vendor OCCOutdoors in accordance with their Memorial Bench specifications but preapproved by the City of Bowling Green with wording satisfactory to the City.

Bench Delivery Information

After confirming Memorial engraving information with the City of Bowling Green and purchasing the bench the purchaser will have the supplier deliver the bench to the following location for assembly and installation.

City of Bowling Green
Parks and Recreation
Attention: Jay Dougherty
225 East 3rd Ave.
Bowling Green KY, 42101

Program Expenses

For the sum of $530 payable to the City of Bowling Green, Parks staff will provide installation of a concrete pad, assembly of bench as necessary, and fixed installation of bench onto pad to prevent removal.

Care for the Memorial Bench

The Parks and Recreation staff will maintain the Memorial Bench to the standards set for all Parks amenities. The City of Bowling Green agrees to make every reasonable effort to maintain the bench in the same manner it maintains City installed benches in City parks, but will not be responsible or liable for theft, acts of nature, acts of vandalism or other actions causing damage to the bench. At the City’s sole and absolute discretion, the City may replace or repair the bench, but shall have no obligation to replace or repair.

Memorial Bench Installation Agreement

The purchasing individual will be provided with a bench installation agreement document prior to purchasing the bench to review, sign and return. This document will detail and outline the specifics of the agreement between the purchaser and the City of Bowling Green.

Installation Agreement

For more information regarding the Memorial Bench Program please contact the City of Bowling Green Landscape Manager:

Jay Dougherty
Landscape Manager
Office: 270-393-3610
Cell: 270-799-9500

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