Stormwater Quality Management

Bowling Green faces unique challenges with respect to stormwater management. Warren County is located in a karst region that is typified by caves, sinkholes, springs, underground streams and other karst features. The Bowling Green and Warren County area has very few surface streams and rivers.

You can learn more about our karst landscape through our partnership with WKU at

Many cities convey their stormwater runoff to the nearest stream or ditch. As much of our runoff naturally flows down into the karst, Bowling Green is challenged with the lack of surface streams and channels. We employ alternative methods for handling runoff. A major concern with these methods is water quality. Bowling Green’s Phase II efforts will require changes and will result in improved water quality.

Video: Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management (Video)

In this edition of Spotlight on Bowling Green, we will explore the City’s Stormwater Program and the unique challenges they face with our karst topography.

EPSC Certification Events

EPSC Certification events are held several times throughout the year. You can check on the list below to see about upcoming events. If you would like to register for an upcoming event click on the links below.

 Date  Class
May 29, 2025 EPSC Certification Course

Submit Stormwater Quality Unit Annual Report

Stormwater Control Measures

On 10 March 2003, the City of Bowling Green submitted their Phase II permit to the Kentucky Division of Water. This permit is designed to improve water quality from our storm system or MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System). The permit requires the City address six areas or control measures. The six control measures are:

  1. Public Education and Outreach
  2. Public Involvement and Participation
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
  5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management and Pollution Prevention
  6. Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

Several tasks and activities have been identified within each control measure. The ultimate goal of each control measure is to reduce the impact storm water has on our local receiving streams, namely Barren River and Drakes Creek. Drakes Creeks drains to the Barren River, which is the sole source of our drinking water.

Private Stormwater Basin Maintenance Assistance Program

As part of a new policy, the Department of Public Works is offering one-time funding toward private retention/detention basin maintenance support in order to promote the health of Bowling Green's overall stormwater system. Citizens can nominate basins on their property for funding during the annually announced application period. Please read through the complete policy.

For more information, or to nominate a basin in need of maintenance, contact Stormwater Management at 270-393-3071.

US EPA Drainage Well Inventory Form

A copy of the form is available here.

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