The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a proposed multi-year plan of expenditures related to public facilities, infrastructure and equipment which generally cost a minimum of $25,000 and have a life span of at least five (5) years.
The CIP multi-year plan includes the current adopted fiscal year and the next two to three years of proposed future projects listed by department and identifies estimated project costs and potential sources of funding. All future proposed capital projects and purchases are re-evaluated in each prospective year during the development of the annual budget. Since priorities and community needs are always evolving, new projects could be added to the list in any given year and previously identified capital projects/purchases may be postponed or even eliminated. To help fund larger projects, the City developed the strategy in 2009 to set aside savings when feasible to avoid adding to the debt expenses in future operating budgets, which has proven to be very successful to date.
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