Cadet Unit

The cadet unit provides a means of diverting certain non-emergency calls for service from the beat officer to police cadets for completion. These calls do not require the presence of a sworn officer at the scene. Cadets may handle these calls either by phone or by appointment; whichever provides more convenience to the complaint or victim. This system of handling lower calls for service provides more patrol coverage for the citizens by permitting beat officers to respond to higher priority and emergency calls in a more timely manner.

Cadet Employment Requirements and Benefits

  • Cadets are to be 18 years of age or above.
  • The applicant must pass a background check and successfully complete an oral interview to be considered for employment.
  • Applicants that complete the process and are hired by the police department receive:
    • Base salary for the cadet position as determined by the city pay scale.
    • Paid holidays off.
    • Four hours vacation per month.
    • Four hour sick leave per month.
    • Issued uniforms for the position.

Cadet Assignment and Duties

Police Cadet SUV - 2005

  • Cadets are scheduled for 20 duty hours per week.
  • The Cadet Unit’s hours are determined by supervision based upon peak times for calls for service.
  • Cadet duties consist of but are not limited to receptionist, parking enforcement, park ranger, speed trailer deployment, pawn ticket details, substitute school crossing guard as well as assisting with special events and major incidents.

Ride Along Program

The ride-along program affords Cadets the opportunity to ride on patrol with a Bowling Green Police Officer. Cadets receive the opportunity to experience the job of a police officer first hand. During ride-alongs, Cadets are in uniform and assist patrol officers in a variety of different ways. 

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