Legal Publications

In accordance with KRS Chapter 424 and KRS 83A.060, the following action of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky held at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners in the Commission Chamber of City Hall in said City is hereby made a matter of public record by publication in summary. Said Ordinance has been given second reading approval, signed by Mayor Todd Alcott, attested by City Clerk Ashley Jackson.

The Office of City Clerk of the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky hereby certifies that the foregoing Ordinances were approved by the City’s Board of Commissioners for first and second reading, and are further approved for publication following adoption according to the law.

Other Publications

Title Approved Date Description
Ordinance No. BG2025-3 3/18/2025 Ordinance amending Chapter 4 (Alcoholic Beverage Control), Subchapter 4-4 (Causes for Refusal to Issue or Renew License and for Suspension or Revocation of License) to remove Section 4-4.03 (Restrictions on Package Liquor License) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2025-2 3/4/2025 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Two to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2025
Ordinance No. BG2025-1 2/4/2025 Ordinance amending Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations) to add Subchapter 15-9 (Medicinal Cannabis Businesses) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Municipal Order No. 2024-283 12/17/2024 Municipal Order accepting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the period ended June 30, 2024 as prepared by the Department of Finance and audited by Cherry Bekaert LLP
Ordinance No. BG2024-18 12/4/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 5 (Animals) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2024-22 11/19/2024 Ordinance approving Amendment Number One to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2025
Ordinance No. BG2024-21 11/19/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to the creation of Subchapter 2-24 (A BETTER BGKY INC.) a non-profit corporation
Ordinance No. BG2024-20 10/15/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 10 (Electricity) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2024-19 10/15/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 6 (Building Regulations) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2024-17 9/3/2024 Ordinance setting 2024 property tax rates, franchise tax rates and improvement assessment rates, and setting forth guidelines for payment, penalty and interest
Ordinance No. BG2024-16 8/20/2024 Ordinance annexing 3.041 acres of property located at 750 Lovers Lane presently owned by Kevin and Lynn Kirby with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits and further approving an associated Economic Development Annexation Incentive Agreement
Ordinance No. BG2024-15 8/20/2024 Ordinance annexing a total of approximately 5.073 acres of right-of-way located along U.S. 68-80 (Glasgow Road) from the intersection of Sunnyside Gotts Road to Advantage Drive, with property presently owned by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
2024-Notice of Public Hearing 7/22/2024 Notice of Public Hearing regarding the proposed 2024 Property Tax Rate. The City of Bowling Green will hold a public hearing on August 6, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the Commission Chamber in City Hall at 1001 College Street.
Ordinance No. BG2024-14 7/16/2024 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Four to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2024
Ordinance No. BG2024-13 7/16/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 18 (Occupational License Fees and Taxes) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to allocation for special tourism projects
Ordinance No. BG2024-12 6/18/2024 Ordinance adopting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025, by estimating revenues and appropriating funds for the operation of City government
Ordinance No. BG2024-11 6/4/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 4 (Alcoholic Beverage Control) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to restrictions on package liquor license
Ordinance No. BG2024-10 5/21/2024 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “G” for General Classified, “F” for Fire, “P” for Police, “D” for Department Head / Management and “U” for Unclassified Part-Time Employees, and authorizing pay increases for Fiscal Year 2025
Ordinance No. BG2024-9 5/21/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to removal of Subchapter 15-2 (Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Purchases)
Ordinance No. BG2024-8 5/7/2024 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Three to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2024
Ordinance No. BG2024-7 5/7/2024 Ordinance amending Articles 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky as recommended by the City-County Planning Commission
Ordinance No. BG2024-6 5/7/2024 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.3320 acres from HI (Heavy Industrial) to HB (Highway Business) located at 2950 and 0 Fitzgerald Industrial Drive presently owned by Jerry E. Baker Foundation, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2024-5 5/7/2024 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 0.1388 acre from MHP (Mobile Home Park) and HB (Highway Business) to HB (Highway Business) and MHP (Mobile Home Park) located on a portion of property at 1823 Morgantown Road presently owned by 231 Real Estate, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2024-4 3/19/2024 Ordinance amending Chapter 8 (Cemeteries) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2024-3 2/20/2024 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Two to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2024
Ordinance No. BG2024-2 2/6/2024 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.58 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to HB (Highway Business) located on the property abutting the south end of Midsummer Street presently owned by Greenhills Development Partners, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2024-1 2/6/2024 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.267 acres from AG (Agriculture) and HB (Highway Business) to HB (Highway Business) located at 1110 and a portion of 1100 Three Springs Road presently owned by Flea Land, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2023-36 1/16/2024 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 3.5341 acres from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located on Mt. Victor Lane and Old Lovers Lane presently owned by TCP Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-35 1/16/2024 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.30 acres from GB (General Business) to HB (Highway Business) located at 1806 US 31W Bypass presently owned by Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2023-34 12/5/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 10.45 acres from HB (Highway Business) and LI (Light Industrial) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 6449 Nashville Road presently owned by J.G.L. Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-33 11/21/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.008 acres from HB (Highway Business) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 55 Parker Avenue presently owned by Josh Payne and MAH Enterprises, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-32 11/21/2023 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 0.9876 acre from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 5421 Scottsville Road presently owned by Southern Comfort Apartments, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-31 11/21/2023 Ordinance rezoning a portion of abandoned CSX railroad right-of-way from HI (Heavy Industrial) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) and LI (Light Industrial) located along Barry Street between Veterans Memorial Lane and Nugent Street presently owned by St. Joseph Catholic Church of Bowling Green, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2023-30 11/7/2023 Ordinance approving Amendment Number One to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2024
Ordinance No. BG2023-29 11/7/2023 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 2.2073 acres from RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) and HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at Cornerstone Avenue and Veterans Memorial Lane presently owned by Keystone Development Group, LLC
Municipal Order No. 2023-256 11/7/2023 Municipal Order accepting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the period ended June 30, 2023 as prepared by the Department of Finance and audited by MCM CPAs & Advisors, LLP
Ordinance No. BG2023-28 10/17/2023 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) and Chapter 11 (Finance, Taxation and Economic Development) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2023-27 9/19/2023 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 12 acres from AG (Agriculture) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 372, 376, 378, 380 and 384 Pascoe Boulevard, 3030 Cave Springs Avenue, 1320, 1324 and 1329 Sun Way presently owned by Cave Springs Property, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-26 9/19/2023 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2024
Ordinance No. BG2023-25 9/5/2023 Ordinance setting 2023 property tax rates, franchise tax rates and improvement assessment rates, and setting forth guidelines for payment, penalty and interest
Ordinance No. BG2023-24 9/5/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 12.42 acres from AG (Agriculture) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Whitney Drive presently owned by Platinum Development, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-23 9/5/2023 Ordinance approving the closing of an unimproved right-of-way located on a portion of First Street, abutting north of Legacy Drive, and adjacent to 203 Garvin Lane
Ordinance No. BG2023-22 8/15/2023 Ordinance amending Chapter 25 (Code of Ethics) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to amend Subchapter 25-9 related to use of City equipment
Ordinance No. BG2023-21 8/15/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 12.739 acres from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at Hennessey Way, Vintage Lane and Corvette Drive presently owned by The Southern Retail Partners, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-20 8/15/2023 Ordinance approving the closing of an unimproved right-of-way located along Double Springs Road and a portion of an unimproved alley along Double Springs Road, Beauty Court and Gordon Avenue
2023-Notice of Public Hearing 8/7/2023 Notice of Public Hearing regarding the proposed 2023 Property Tax Rates. The City of Bowling Green will hold a public hearing on August 15, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in the Commission Chamber in City Hall at 1001 College Street.
Ordinance No. BG2023-19 8/1/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.4335 acre from RS-1A (Single Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at 0 University Drive presently owned by MNM, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-18 8/1/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.645 acres from HI (Heavy Industrial) to HB (Highway Business) located at 0 Louisville Road presently owned by Scotty’s Development Company, LLC with AutoZone Development, LLC as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2023-17 8/1/2023 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 14.36 acres from RS-1D (Single Family Residential) to RS-1C (Single Family Residential) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Rodeo Lane and a portion of 0 Russellville Road presently owned by 2J2V, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-14 8/1/2023 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 22.96 acres from GB (General Business), HB (Highway Business) and LI (Light Industrial) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 0, 1710, 1740, 1798, 1844, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1936, 1970, 1992, 2010, 2040 and 2140 River Street presently owned by Digs on the River, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-16 7/18/2023 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Four to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
Ordinance No. BG2023-15 7/18/2023 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 42.92 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to GB (General Business), RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) and RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at 0 and 4917 Russellville Road presently owned by West Haven Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-13 6/20/2023 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “G” for General Classified, “D” for Department Head / Management and “U” for Unclassified Part-Time Employees, and authorizing pay increases for Fiscal Year 2024
Ordinance No. BG2023-12 6/20/2023 Ordinance adopting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024, by estimating revenues and appropriating funds for the operation of City government
Ordinance No. BG2023-11 6/20/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 6.38 acres from AG (Agriculture) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 1965 KY Highway 185 presently owned by Beech Holdings, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-10 6/20/2023 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 5.93 acres from LI (Light Industrial) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 110, 150 and 180 Center Street, 0, 112, 134 and 140 College Street, 0 East 2nd Avenue and 301 East Riverview Drive presently owned by Beech Holdings, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-9 6/6/2023 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 5.8834 acres from AG (Agriculture), RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) and HB (Highway Business) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 0, 721 and 741 Plano Road presently owned by Stan Darr and Brian Marr
Ordinance No. BG2023-8 5/16/2023 Ordinance approving the closing of an unimproved right-of-way located between 516 and 518 Regents Avenue
Ordinance No. BG2023-7 5/2/2023 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Three to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
Ordinance No. BG2023-6 5/2/2023 Ordinance amending Chapter 18 (Occupational License Fees and Taxes) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to revise the occupational license fees
Ordinance No. BG2023-5 4/18/2023 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 8.92 acres from AG (Agriculture) to GB (General Business) located at 0 Russellville Road presently owned by Platinum Development, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-4 3/21/2023 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “F” for Fire and “P” for Police of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2023
Ordinance No. BG2023-3 3/7/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.166 acre from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 1301 Indianola Street presently owned by Portales Rentals, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2023-2 2/21/2023 Ordinance amending Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and Appendix A of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky as recommended by the City-County Planning Commission
Ordinance No. BG2023-1 1/17/2023 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Two to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
Ordinance No. BG2022-65 1/3/2023 Ordinance readopting and amending the Bowling Green / Warren County Focus 2030 Comprehensive Plan as recommended by the City-County Planning Commission
Ordinance No. BG2022-64 1/3/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 16.21 acres from AG (Agriculture) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Russellville Road, presently owned by Wabuck Development Company, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2022-63 1/3/2023 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.5712 acre from MHP (Mobile Home Park) and LI (Light Industrial) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Ken Bale Boulevard presently owned by Read Street Investments, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-62 12/20/2022 Ordinance annexing 300.05 acres of a portion of properties located on Freeport Road presently owned by the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2022-61 12/20/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 17 (Personnel Policies) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to employees participating in the County Employees’ Retirement System
Ordinance No. BG2022-60 12/20/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to revisions to the Police and Firefighters’ Retirement Fund and other administrative changes
Ordinance No. BG2022-59 12/20/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to increase the salary for the Mayor
Ordinance No. BG2022-58 12/20/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 18.19 acres from AG (Agriculture) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Russellville Road, presently owned by LHMW Holdings II, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-57 12/20/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.55 acres from HB (Highway Business) and RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to HB (Highway Business) located at 802 U.S. 31W Bypass, presently owned by J.S. & J.M., LLC dba Economy Inn
Ordinance No. BG2022-56 12/20/2022 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 2.00 acres from AG (Agriculture) to RS-1A (Single Family Residential) located at 1740 Greenview Lane, presently owned by Sandra Franklin
Ordinance No. BG2022-55 12/6/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 2.29 acres from AG (Agriculture) and R-E (Residential Estate) to HI (Heavy Industrial) located at 0 Fred Madison Road, presently owned by the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2022-54 12/6/2022 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 10.50 acres from AG (Agriculture) and RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at the northeast corner of the intersection of the Southwest Parkway and Kobe Way, presently owned by SMP Properties, LLC and Westen Apartments, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-53 12/6/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 3.3816 acres from AG (Agriculture) to GB (General Business) located at 0 Russellville Road, presently owned by Bina R. Soni
Ordinance No. BG2022-52 12/6/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 8.96 acres from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) and RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at the southeast corner of Fields Drive and Jefferson Court, presently owned by M.A. Williams Properties
Ordinance No. BG2022-51 11/15/2022 Ordinance rezoning two tracts of land containing 1.95 acres from HB (Highway Business) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 2424 and 2428 Russellville Road, presently owned by Jaber Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-50 11/15/2022 Ordinance rezoning two tracts of land containing 1.85 acres from HB (Highway Business) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 2456 Russellville Road and 0 Enterprise Court, presently owned by Wayne and Elva Overholt
Ordinance No. BG2022-49 11/15/2022 Ordinance amending Code of Ordinances Chapter 18 (Occupational License Fees and Taxes) to make revisions reflecting legislative changes in Kentucky Revised Statute related to the transient room tax and other administrative changes
Municipal Order No. 2022-239 11/1/2022 Municipal Order accepting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the period ended June 30, 2022 as prepared by the Department of Finance and audited by MCM CPAs & Advisors, LLP
Ordinance No. BG2022-48 10/18/2022 Ordinance approving Amendment Number One to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
Ordinance No. BG2022-47 9/20/2022 Ordinance approving Amended and Restated General Obligation Lease Agreement with Warren County Downtown Economic Development Authority, Inc., and approving a Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement with Manhattan Capital BG, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-46 9/20/2022 Ordinance granting a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise to StuppFiber, LLC, a Kentucky Limited Liability Company, for the use of rights-of-way for the operation and maintenance of a telecommunications (or related non-cable) system within the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky and further authorizing the execution of a Franchise Agreement
Ordinance No. BG2022-45 9/20/2022 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2023
Ordinance No. BG2022-44 9/6/2022 Ordinance setting 2022 property tax rates, franchise tax rates and improvement assessment rates, and setting forth guidelines for payment, penalty and interest
Ordinance No. BG2022-43 9/6/2022 Ordinance annexing 12.708 acres of right-of-way located on Freeport Road presently owned by Warren County with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2022-42 9/6/2022 Ordinance annexing 1.342 acres of property at Fort Webb Park and 1.4653 acres of right-of-way located on Fort Webb Drive, for a total of 2.8073 acres, presently owned by the City of Bowling Green with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2022-41 9/6/2022 Ordinance approving amendments to Chapter 27 (Property Code) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2022-40 8/16/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 20.00 acres from AG (Agriculture) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Southwest Parkway and a portion of 5865 Russellville Road, presently owned by Westen Apartments, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-39 8/2/2022 Ordinance temporarily amending regulation for the use of fireworks pursuant to the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations), Subchapter 15-6 (Storage, Sale and Use of Fireworks)
Ordinance No. BG2022-38 8/2/2022 Ordinance rezoning two tracts of land containing 0.8204 acre from CB (Central Business) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 East 12th Avenue, presently owned by Barren River Capital, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-37 8/2/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to towing fee limits in private parking lots
Ordinance No. BG2022-36 7/19/2022 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Four to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
Ordinance No. BG2022-35 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land in a portion of the Nutwood Street/Magnolia Street area from RS-1D (Single Family Residential) and RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) with an overlay zone
Ordinance No. BG2022-34 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land in a portion of the Whispering Hills area from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) and HB (Highway Business) to RS-1C (Single Family Residential)
Ordinance No. BG2022-33 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land in a portion of the Covington Street/Wakefield Street area from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to RS-1A (Single Family Residential)
Ordinance No. BG2022-32 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land in a portion of 1000 Woodhurst Street in the Briarwood/Airport area from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to P (Public)
Ordinance No. BG2022-31 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land in a portion of the Briarwood/Lovers Lane area from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential)
Ordinance No. BG2022-30 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land in a portion of the Briarwood Manor area from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to RS-1A (Single Family Residential)
Ordinance No. BG2022-29 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land in a portion of the Briarwood/Woodhollow Way area from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to RS-1A (Single Family Residential)
Ordinance No. BG2022-28 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land in a portion of the Briarwood/Fairview Avenue area from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to RS-1A (Single Family Residential)
Ordinance No. BG2022-27 7/19/2022 Ordinance approving the closing of an unimproved right-of-way located between 1132 and 1150 Fairview Avenue
Ordinance No. BG2022-26 7/19/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.16 acres from AG (Agriculture) to HI (Heavy Industrial) located at 1171 Freeport Road, presently owned by the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2022-25 7/19/2022 Ordinance amending Articles 2, 3 and 4 and Appendix A of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky as recommended by the City-County Planning Commission
Ordinance No. BG2022-24 6/21/2022 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “G” for General Classified, “F” for Fire, “P” for Police, “D” for Department Head / Management and “U” for Unclassified Part-Time Employees, and authorizing pay increases for Fiscal Year 2023
Ordinance No. BG2022-23 6/21/2022 Ordinance adopting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023, by estimating revenues and appropriating funds for the operation of City government
Ordinance No. BG2022-22 6/7/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.34 acre from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at 1201 Cabell Drive, presently owned by Hunter Morrow
Ordinance No. BG2022-21 6/7/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 33.41 acres from AG (Agriculture) and R-E (Residential Estate) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 1597 and 1609 Glasgow Road and 233 Sunnyside-Gotts Road, presently owned by Margie Duvall
Ordinance No. BG2022-20 5/17/2022 Ordinance annexing 1.1647 acres of property located at 1171 Freeport Road presently owned by the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2022-19 5/17/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 4.03 acres from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Kenilwood Way, presently owned by Three Springs Hospitality, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-18 5/17/2022 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 0.04 acre from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Cooksey Lane, presently owned by The Hub at Lovers Lane, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-17 5/3/2022 Ordinance annexing 1.561 acres of property located at 1597 and 1609 Glasgow Road presently owned by Margie Duvall with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2022-16 5/3/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 4 (Alcoholic Beverage Control) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to create a new subchapter establishing an Entertainment Destination Center
Ordinance No. BG2022-15 5/3/2022 Ordinance approving the renaming of a portion of Shive Lane to Ken Bale Boulevard
Ordinance No. BG2022-14 4/19/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to work sessions
Ordinance No. BG2022-13 4/19/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to increase the salary for Commissioners
Ordinance No. BG2022-12 4/19/2022 Ordinance amending Chapter 5 (Animals) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2022-11 3/15/2022 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Three to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
Ordinance No. BG2022-10 3/15/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.8663 acre from RS-1A (Single Family Residential) and RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to RS-1C (Single Family Residential) located at 2410 Fitzgerald Industrial Drive, presently owned by Elijah Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2022-9 3/15/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.17 acre from GB (General Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 State Street, presently owned by Robert E. Petrie Testamentary Trust, George D. Lawson, Jr., trustee with Robert and Vicki Chaudoin as the applicants
Ordinance No. BG2022-8 3/1/2022 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 31.51 acres from AG (Agriculture) and RS-1A (Single Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at a portion of 0 Clifford Way and 0 Juliet Way, and 0 Whitecotten Drive, presently owned by Rivers Landing Edge, LLC, with Mark Williams as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2022-7 3/1/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.16 acres from AG (Agriculture) to OP-R (Office/Professional - Residential) located at 0 Glen Lily Road, presently owned by Southern Kentucky Fair, Inc., with J.B. Bridgeman as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2022-6 2/15/2022 Ordinance annexing 67.069 acres of property located at the intersection of Lovers Lane and Middle Bridge Road, with property presently owned by Bale of Kentucky Limited Family Partnership, and 5.73 acres of right-of-way, for a total of 72.799 acres with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2022-5 2/15/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 6.75 acres from AG (Agriculture) and HB (Highway Business) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 216 Old Lovers Lane, presently owned by Browning Investors, LLLP, with TCP Properties, LLC as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2022-4 1/18/2022 Ordinance granting a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise to SQF, LLC, a Foreign Limited Liability Company, for the use of rights-of-way for the operation and maintenance of a telecommunications (or related non-cable) system within the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky and further authorizing the execution of a franchise agreement
Ordinance No. BG2022-3 1/18/2022 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “U” for Unclassified Part-Time Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2022
Ordinance No. BG2022-2 1/18/2022 Ordinance annexing 232.20 acres of property located on Freeport Road presently owned by the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2022-1 1/18/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.8887 acre from HB (Highway Business) and LI (Light Industrial) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Enterprise Court, presently owned by Wayne and Elva Overholt, with Matt Fuqua as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2021-49 1/4/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 3.8993 acres from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Thames Valley Way, presently owned by Thames Valley Property, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-48 1/4/2022 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 9.86 acres from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Cooksey Lane, presently owned by the Hub at Lovers Lane, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-47 1/4/2022 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 55.91 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Porter Pike, presently owned by Southern Kentucky Land, LLC with Holley Performance Products, Inc. as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2021-51 12/21/2021 Emergency Ordinance amending Ordinance No. BG2021-36 to provide for a new property tax deadline
Ordinance No. BG2021-46 12/21/2021 Ordinance approving a Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Bowling Green and Warren County Sheriff’s Office
Ordinance No. BG2021-45 11/17/2021 Ordinance approving Amendment Number One to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
Ordinance No. BG2021-44 11/17/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 20.45 acres from AG (Agriculture) and RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Kobe Way and a portion of 263 John D Jones Road, presently owned by Westen Apartments, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-43 11/17/2021 Ordinance rezoning two tracts of land containing 1.6358 acres from LI (Light Industrial) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Enterprise Court, presently owned by Wayne and Elva Overholt with MNM, LLC as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2021-42 11/17/2021 Ordinance granting a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise to Open Fiber Kentucky Company, LLC, a foreign limited liability company, for the use of rights-of-way for the operation and maintenance of a telecommunications (or related non-cable) system within the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky and further authorizing the execution of a franchise agreement
Municipal Order No. 2021-190 11/2/2021 Municipal Order accepting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the period ended June 30, 2021 as prepared by the Department of Finance and audited by MCM CPAs & Advisors, LLP
Ordinance No. BG2021-41 11/2/2021 Ordinance de-annexing approximately 8.32 acres located at the intersection of Old Richardsville Road and KY Highway 185, as requested by the Bowling Green Moose Lodge 356
Ordinance No. BG2021-40 9/23/2021 Ordinance of the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky, authorizing and providing for the issuance of its City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Water and Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2021 to refinance and refund the outstanding City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2011 and the outstanding City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2012
Ordinance No. BG2021-39 9/21/2021 Ordinance expressing the intent of the City of Bowling Green to de-annex approximately 8.32 acres located at the intersection of Old Richardsville Road and KY Highway 185, as requested by the Bowling Green Moose Lodge 356
Ordinance No. BG2021-38 9/21/2021 Ordinance approving the renaming of a portion of Benson Avenue to Pro Park Avenue
Ordinance No. BG2021-37 9/21/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 5.02 acres from HB (Highway Business) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Nashville Road, presently owned by Bishop Land Sales, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-36 9/7/2021 Ordinance setting 2021 property tax rates, franchise tax rates and improvement assessment rates, and setting forth guidelines for payment, penalty and interest
Ordinance No. BG2021-35 9/7/2021 Ordinance annexing 22.88 acres of property located at 2464 Cumberland Trace Road, with property presently owned by Warren County Board of Education, and 94.49 acres of right-of-way of Interstate 65 and Cumberland Trace Road, presently owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, for a total of 117.37 acres, with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2021-34 9/7/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.84 acres from HB (Highway Business) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 530 Corvette Drive, presently owned by Cave Mill Station, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-33 9/7/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 5.5412 acres from AG (Agriculture) to GB (General Business) located at 5463 Russellville Road, presently owned by 31W Holdings, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-32 8/17/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.21 acre from RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to CB (Central Business) located at 719 Chestnut Street, presently owned by Chestnut Group Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-31 8/17/2021 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2021-30 8/17/2021 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “D” for Department Head / Management of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2022
Ordinance No. BG2021-29 8/3/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 2.9987 acres from AG (Agriculture) and HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Louisville Road, presently owned by JJEM Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-28 8/3/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.00 acre from LI (Light Industrial) to GB (General Business) located at 0 Russellville Road, presently owned by Vita Nova, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-27 7/6/2021 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Four to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2021-26 7/6/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.2325 acre from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to OP-R (Office/Professional-Residential) located at 1244 Magnolia Street, presently owned by Keeping It, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-25 6/15/2021 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “G” for General Classified, “F” for Fire, “P” for Police, “D” for Department Head / Management and “U” for Unclassified Part-Time Employees, and authorizing pay increases for Fiscal Year 2022
Ordinance No. BG2021-24 6/15/2021 Ordinance adopting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, by estimating revenues and appropriating funds for the operation of City government
Ordinance No. BG2021-23 6/15/2021 Ordinance approving the closing of an unimproved right-of-way formerly known as Main Street Road located between the intersection of Old Barren River Road and Veterans Memorial Lane
Ordinance No. BG2021-22 5/18/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 15.7146 acres from AG (Agriculture), RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) and HB (Highway Business) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Cherry Farm Lane, presently owned by Fawbush Properties, LLC with A Himalaya KY Properties, LLC as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2021-21 5/18/2021 An Ordinance of the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky authorizing an Amended and Restated Ground Lease with the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2021-20 5/4/2021 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 13.50 acres from RS-1A (Single Family Residential) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) and GB (General Business) located at 603 and 611 Highland Way and 2310 Nashville Road, presently owned by Sam Potter Jr. and Jeffrey and Betsy Harned
Ordinance No. BG2021-19 5/4/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.22 acre from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to GB (General Business) located at 228 Riverwood Avenue, presently owned by Jeffrey Harrison, with Tom Holmes as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2021-18 5/4/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 6.2686 acres from AG (Agriculture) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at 0 Marlin Drive, presently owned by Java Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-17 5/4/2021 Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute Amended and Restated Agreement for the Establishment of the Joint City-County Planning Commission of Warren County and the Joint City-County Board of Adjustments
Ordinance No. BG2021-16 5/4/2021 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Three to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2021-15 5/4/2021 Ordinance repealing existing Chapter 12 and approving revised version of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances Chapter 12 (Fire Prevention) to make various changes
Ordinance No. BG2021-14 5/4/2021 Ordinance amending Chapter 5 (Animals) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2021-13 4/20/2021 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 4.3658 acres from R-E (Residential Estate) and F (Floodplain) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) and F (Floodplain) located on Old Scottsville Road, presently owned by MFG Bowling Green Land, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-12 4/1/2021 Ordinance amending Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky as recommended by the City-County Planning Commission
Ordinance No. BG2021-11 3/16/2021 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2021-10 3/16/2021 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 19.58 acres from AG (Agriculture) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 6309 Russellville Road, presently owned by the Estates of Frank T. and John Beachum Wheeler with Southwest Developers, LLC as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2021-9 3/16/2021 Ordinance rezoning two tracts of land containing 49.31 acres from AG (Agriculture), HB (Highway Business) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 and 494 Hub Boulevard, presently owned by HUB East, LLC and HUB Multifamily, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-8 3/16/2021 Ordinance creating and approving Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Warren County and Warren County Technical Rescue Team relating to automatic aid for technical rescue services
Ordinance No. BG2021-7 3/16/2021 Ordinance creating and approving Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Automatic Aid for Active Shooter/Hostile Event Responses with Warren County and Warren County Volunteer Fire Departments
Ordinance No. BG2021-6 3/2/2021 Ordinance amending Chapter 25 (Code of Ethics) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to amend Subchapters related to Board of Ethics and Penalties
Ordinance No. BG2021-5 3/2/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 14.2912 acres from AG (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 1510 Kentucky Highway 185, presently owned by MNM, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-4 3/2/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 6.604 acres from RS-1A (Single Family Residential) and F (Floodplain) to GB (General Business), PUD (Planned Unit Development) and F (Floodplain) located at 0 Morgantown Road, presently owned by Lost River Holdings, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-3 3/2/2021 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 15.36 acres from GB (General Business) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to HB (Highway Business) located at 1300 Campbell Lane, presently owned by MPT of Bowling Green – Vibra, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-2 3/2/2021 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.0909 acres from CB (Central Business) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 1010 State Street, 511 East 10th Avenue and a portion of 0 Chestnut Street, presently owned by Tin Tin Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2021-1 1/19/2021 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 0.8932 acre from GB (General Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0, 615 and 631 Chestnut Street and 0, 524 and 526 East 7th Avenue, presently owned by New Millennium Real Estate, LLC c/o Steve Sutton
Ordinance No. BG2020-34 1/5/2021 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.45 acres from GB (General Business) and RS-1A (Single Family Residential) to HB (Highway Business) located at 1218 and 1220 Broadway Avenue and 0 Covington Street, presently owned by Speedway, LLC c/o Robert Sweet of McBride Dale Clarion
Ordinance No. BG2020-47 12/17/2020 Ordinance authorizing the extension of non-exclusive telecommunications Joint Franchise Agreement with Bluegrass Network, LLC and Warren County
Ordinance No. BG2020-46 12/17/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 79.05 acres from LI (Light Industrial) and HI (Heavy Industrial) to HI (Heavy Industrial) located at 0 and 192 Technology Way and 458, 500, 572 and 630 Glasgow Road, presently owned by the Bowling Green Area Economic Development Authority, Inc. and Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. c/o Ron Bunch, and Nova Steel, USA, Inc. c/o KB Corporation Services, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2020-45 12/17/2020 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Two to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2020-43 12/17/2020 An Ordinance of the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A and Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021B in aggregate maximum principal amounts of $40,000,000 and $6,500,000, respectively, for the purpose of financing the costs of the acquisition of a leasehold estate in the real properties and improvements constituting the Transpark expansion project; authorizing a Second Supplemental Contract, Lease & Option with the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. and the County of Warren, Kentucky with respect to the Transpark expansion project; approving forms of bonds; authorizing designated officers to execute and deliver the bonds; authorizing and directing the filing of notice with the state local debt officer; providing for the payment and security of the bonds; creating bond payment funds; authorizing acceptance of the bids of the bond purchasers for the purchase of the bonds following the advertised sale of the bonds; and repealing inconsistent ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2020-44 12/15/2020 Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement among the City of Bowling Green, Warren County, the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. and the Southern Kentucky Regional Development Authority related to the development, promotion, acquisition, design, construction, operation, management and/or financing of an expansion to the Kentucky Transpark
Ordinance No. BG2020-42 12/15/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 296.41 acres from AG (Agriculture) to HI (Heavy Industrial) located at 0 Fred Madison Road and 1188 Mizpah Road, presently owned by the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. c/o Ron Bunch
Ordinance No. BG2020-41 12/15/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.3686 acres from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) and GB (General Business) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 0, 1024, 1028, 1032 and 1038 Kenton Street and 1023, 1027, 1031 and 1033 Greenwood Alley, presently owned by CSR BG Investments, LLC c/o Chris Robertson with Bell Vue Properties, LLC c/o Desmond Bell as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2020-40 12/15/2020 Ordinance authorizing Mayor to execute Amended and Restated Agreement for the Establishment of the Joint City-County Planning Commission of Warren County and the Joint City-County Board of Adjustments
Ordinance No. BG2020-39 12/15/2020 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2020-38 12/1/2020 Ordinance amending Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances related to administrative changes and immobilization devices in private parking lots
Ordinance No. BG2020-37 12/1/2020 Ordinance annexing a total of approximately 6.604 acres of property located at 0 Morgantown Road, with property presently owned by Lost River Holdings LLC, with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits; and further approving an associated Economic Development Annexation Incentive Agreement
Municipal Order No. 2020-176 11/17/2020 Municipal Order accepting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the period ended June 30, 2020 as prepared by the Department of Finance and audited by MCM CPAs & Advisors, LLP
Ordinance No. BG2020-36 11/17/2020 Ordinance approving the naming of an unnamed alley connecting Alumni Avenue and 13th Avenue between Adams Street and Kentucky Street to Bridge Alley
Ordinance No. BG2020-35 11/17/2020 Ordinance annexing 298.70 acres of properties located at 0 and 344 Fred Madison Road, 0 Glasgow Road and 1188 Mizpah Road presently owned by the Inter-Modal Transportation Authority, Inc. with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2020-33 11/17/2020 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 0.25 acre from RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to GB (General Business) located at 421 Scott Way, presently owned by Miller & York, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2020-32 11/17/2020 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2020-31 10/20/2020 Ordinance amending Chapter 25 (Code of Ethics) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to amend subchapters related to Definitions, Standards of Conduct, Conflicts of Interest in Contracts, Gifts, Financial Disclosure, Board of Ethics and Penalties as recommended by the Board of Ethics and City staff
Ordinance No. BG2020-30 10/20/2020 Ordinance approving Amendment Number One to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2020-29 10/20/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 0.8823 acre from HB (Highway Business) and RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Otte Court, presently owned by VGF Investments, LLC c/o John Groves and a portion of 5844 Scottsville Road, presently owned by CSR BG Investments c/o Chris Robertson
Ordinance No. BG2020-28 10/20/2020 Ordinance amending Article 5, Sections 5.1 (Use Table) and 5.2 (Use Categories) of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky as recommended by the City-County Planning Commission
Ordinance No. BG2020-27 9/15/2020 Ordinance setting 2020 property tax rates, franchise tax rates and improvement assessment rates, and setting forth guidelines for payment, penalty and interest
Ordinance No. BG2020-25 9/15/2020 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees and “F” for Fire of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2020-24 9/1/2020 Ordinance annexing a total of approximately 0.96 acre of property located at 5844 Scottsville Road, with property presently owned by CSR BG Investments, LLC, with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits; and further approving an Associated Economic Development Annexation Incentive Agreement
Ordinance No. BG2020-23 9/1/2020 Ordinance repealing existing Chapter 18 and adopting revised version of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances Chapter 18 (Occupational License Fees and Taxes) to make various changes
Ordinance No. BG2020-22 8/18/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 0.45 acre from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Kenton Street, presently owned by Trident Properties of Bowling Green, LLC c/o Mitch Wright
Ordinance No. BG2020-21 8/18/2020 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 4.68 acres from HI (Heavy Industrial) to HB (Highway Business) located at 5557 Nashville Road, presently owned by the Bowling Green Area Economic Development Authority, Inc. c/o Ron Bunch
Ordinance No. BG2020-20 8/4/2020 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Five to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2020-19 8/4/2020 Ordinance rescinding Chapter 21 (Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater), Subchapter 21-4 (Cuts, Excavations and Work Within Right-of-Way) and adopting an amended subchapter
Ordinance No. BG2020-18 7/21/2020 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to adopt flag standards in Subchapter 2-1 (General Provisions)
Ordinance No. BG2020-17 7/21/2020 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.2433 acre from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) and HB (Highway Business) located at 816 Josephine Street, presently owned by Falcon of Girkin, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2020-16 7/7/2020 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Four to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2020-15 6/18/2020 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to repeal Subchapter 2-23 of Bowling Green-Warren County Military Liaison Board and establish the City of Bowling Green Convention Center Committee
Ordinance No. BG2020-14 6/18/2020 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “G” for General Classified, “F” for Fire, “P” for Police, “D” for Department Head / Management and “U” for Unclassified Part-Time Employees, and authorizing pay increases for Fiscal Year 2021
Ordinance No. BG2020-13 6/18/2020 Ordinance adopting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021, by estimating revenues and appropriating funds for the operation of City government
Ordinance No. BG2020-12 6/18/2020 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 2.53 acres from CB (Central Business) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 1149 College Street, presently owned by United Housing Partners – Bowling Green, LP with SP Investment Fund, LLC c/o Gil Seton as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2020-11 6/18/2020 Ordinance rezoning a portion of two tracts of land containing 0.211 acre from LI (Light Industrial) to CB (Central Business) located at 0 and 907 Broadway Avenue, presently owned by Thomas Hunt
Ordinance No. BG2020-10 6/2/2020 Ordinance approving the closing of a portion of Mizpah Road right-of-way located 1,965 feet north along Mizpah Road from Commonwealth Boulevard continuing approximately 2,215 feet south to Louisville Road (U.S. Highway 31-W)
Ordinance No. BG2020-9 6/2/2020 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.124 acre from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to OP-R (Office-Professional/Residential) located at 0 East 13th Avenue, presently owned by Kevin and Bethany Croslin
Ordinance No. BG2020-8 6/2/2020 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Three to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2020-7 6/2/2020 Ordinance granting a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise to Comcast of Indiana/Kentucky/Utah, LLC d/b/a Comcast Cable, Heartland Region for the use of rights-of-way for the operation and maintenance of a telecommunications (or related non-cable) system within the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky
Ordinance No. BG2020-6 5/5/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.9174 acres from GB (General Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 Worth Way, presently owned by Baker & Hilliard, Inc. and Russell & Frances Heard with Hillview Place, LLC as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2020-5 4/21/2020 Ordinance rezoning two tracts of land containing 1.22 acres from HI (Heavy Industrial) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential to HB (Highway Business) located at 701 and 711 Boatlanding Road, presently owned by Mugat Ram, Inc.
Ordinance No. BG2020-4 3/3/2020 Ordinance rescinding Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Bowling Green and Warren County related to the Historic Railroad Depot located at 401 Kentucky Street
Ordinance No. BG2020-3 3/3/2020 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration), Subchapter 2-2 (Board of Commissioners) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2020-2 2/18/2020 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Two to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2020-1 2/4/2020 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 83.41 acres from AG (Agriculture) and GB (General Business) to RS-1B (Single Family Residential), RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential), HB (Highway Business) and LI (Light Industrial) located at 6309 Russellville Road, presently owned by Frank T. Wheeler Estate c/o Vikki W. Harris, with Mirsad Alic as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2019-56 1/7/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 0.38 acre from GB (General Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 1224 and 1228 Indianola Street, presently owned by Choice Rental Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2019-55 1/7/2020 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.14 acre from GB (General Business) to CB (Central Business) located at 875 Broadway Avenue, presently owned by Michael Poston with Mike Cornelius as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2019-54 1/7/2020 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 3.00 acres from AG (Agriculture) to HB (Highway Business) and RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 and 721 Plano Road, presently owned by Stan Darr with Ben Hansbrough as the applicant
Ordinance No. BG2019-53 12/17/2019 Ordinance amending Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations) and Chapter 22 (Traffic and Motor Vehicles) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. BG2019-52 12/17/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.54 acre from CB (Central Business) and OP-R (Office/Professional- Residential) to GB (General Business) located at 0 Chestnut Street, presently owned by Dean Warren with Trident Properties of Bowling Green, LLC c/o Mitch Wright as contract vendee
Ordinance No. BG2019-51 12/3/2019 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2019-50 11/19/2019 Ordinance amending Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to add Subchapter 15-8 (Regulation of Mobile Food Vendors and Pushcarts on Public Rights-of-Way) and Chapter 27 (Property Code), Subchapter 27-8 (Penalties) related to mobile food units and pushcarts
Ordinance No. BG2019-49 11/19/2019 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 11.24 acres from HB (Highway Business) and F (Floodplain) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) and F (Floodplain) located at 0 Cave Mill Station Boulevard, presently owned by Cave Mill Station, LLC with Cave Mill II, LLC as contract vendee
Ordinance No. BG2019-48 11/19/2019 Ordinance rezoning two tracts of land containing 0.35 acre from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 0 and 1640 Curd Drive, presently owned by Fritz Real Estate Holdings, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2019-47 11/19/2019 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.1140 acre from RM-2 (Two-Family Residential) to GB (General Business) located at 0, 1024, 1028 and 1032 Kenton Street and 1023, 1027, 1031 and 1033 Greenwood Alley, presently owned by CSR BG Investments, LLC c/o Chris Robertson
Ordinance No. BG2019-46 11/5/2019 Ordinance approving Amendment Number One to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2019-45 11/5/2019 Ordinance approving the renaming of a portion of Beauty Avenue to Maintenance Avenue
Municipal Order No. 2019-190 11/5/2019 Municipal Order accepting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the period ended June 30, 2019 as prepared by the Department of Finance and audited by Mountjoy Chilton Medley CPAs & Advisors, LLP
Ordinance No. BG2019-44 10/15/2019 Ordinance rezoning a portion of two tracts of land containing 1.053 acre from RS-1A (Single Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at 2929 Smallhouse Road, presently owned by James and Sally Brown
Ordinance No. BG2019-43 10/15/2019 Ordinance amending Articles 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky as recommended by the City-County Planning Commission
Ordinance No. BG2019-42 10/1/2019 Ordinance granting a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise to Windstream Kentucky East, LLC for the use of rights-of-way for the operation and maintenance of a telecommunications (or related non-cable) system within the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky
Ordinance No. BG2019-41 10/1/2019 Ordinance approving the closing of a portion of an unimproved right-of-way bounded by Park Street, High Street, Cabell Drive and East 14th Avenue and further closing an unimproved right-of-way on a portion of East 15th Avenue off High Street
Ordinance No. BG2019-40 10/1/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.2397 acre from RM-3 (Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential) to GB (General Business) located at 0 Whispering Hills and Russellville Road, presently owned by Elite Properties, LLC c/o Alaa Tlais
Ordinance No. BG2019-39 9/3/2019 Ordinance annexing 0.491 acre of right-of-way located on Cemetery Road at the intersection of Briteway Drive and Indian Hills Drive, presently owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-38 9/3/2019 Ordinance setting 2019 property tax rates, franchise tax rates and improvement assessment rates, and setting forth guidelines for payment, penalty and interest
Ordinance No. BG2019-37 9/3/2019 An Ordinance of the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky, (i) authorizing the issuance of its Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (WKU Student Life Foundation, Inc. project), in one or more series, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $42,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to the WKU Student Life Foundation, Inc. to (i) finance capital additions and improvements and (ii) take other related action
Ordinance No. BG2019-36 8/20/2019 Ordinance amending Chapter 11 (Finance, Taxation and Economic Development) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to rescind Subchapter 11-7 (Incremental Tax Revenue District – Hartland Development Area)
Ordinance No. BG2019-35 8/20/2019 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 33.8695 acres from RM-3 (Multi-Family Residential) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at 0 and 1854 Three Springs Road, presently owned by Spring Lakes, LLC c/o James Stewart
Ordinance No. BG2019-34 8/20/2019 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedule “G” for General Classified Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2019-33 7/16/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 26.95 acres from AG (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 4031 Old Scottsville Road, presently owned by The Club at Olde Stone, LLC c/o James Scott
Ordinance No. BG2019-32 7/16/2019 Ordinance amending Chapter 23 (Water and Sewer), Subchapter 23-3 (Sewer System) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances as proposed by Bowling Green Municipal Utilities (BGMU)
Ordinance No. BG2019-31 7/2/2019 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Three to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019
Ordinance No. BG2019-30 7/2/2019 Ordinance annexing 11.75 acres of property located on the U.S. 31-W Connector Road from Kelly Road to the CSX railroad owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, and 20.53 acres of right-of-way for a total of 32.28 acres with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-29 7/2/2019 Ordinance granting a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise to North Central Communications, Inc. for the use of rights-of-way for the operation and maintenance of a telecommunications (or related non-cable) system within the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky
Ordinance No. BG2019-28 6/18/2019 Ordinance annexing 2.995 acres of property located on a portion of 830 Cumberland Trace Road presently owned by the Warren County School Board with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-27 6/18/2019 Ordinance annexing 26.94 acres of property located at 4031 Old Scottsville Road presently owned by the Club at Old Stone, LLC with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-26 6/18/2019 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “G” for General Classified, “D” for Department Head / Management and “U” for Unclassified Part-Time Employees, and authorizing pay increases for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2019-25 6/18/2019 Ordinance adopting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020, by estimating revenues and appropriating funds for the operation of City government
Ordinance No. BG2019-24 6/18/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 5.58 acres from AG (Agriculture) and HB (Highway Business) to HB (Highway Business) located at 0 Orange Court, presently owned by DKB Investments, Inc. c/o Ben Spickard, with Bronson Spears as contract vendee
Ordinance No. BG2019-23 6/4/2019 Ordinance amending Chapter 17 (Personnel Policies) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to make administrative changes to comply with existing or proposed policy amendments
Ordinance No. BG2019-22 6/4/2019 Ordinance of the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky, authorizing and providing for the issuance of City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 for the purpose of financing the acquisition and construction of additions, expansions and improvements to its water treatment plant and the construction and installation of a sewer force main from the southern end of the sewer system to the Preston Avenue wastewater treatment plant
Ordinance No. BG2019-21 5/21/2019 Ordinance annexing 3.436 acres of right-of-way located on Lovers Lane between Old Lovers Lane and Steeplechase Way, presently owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-20 5/21/2019 Ordinance annexing 13.895 acres of right-of-way located on U.S. 31-W between Stone Lane and Bristow Road, presently owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-19 5/21/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.55 acre from RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to CB (Central Business) located at 1328 Adams Street, presently owned by J & T Property Management, Inc. and Wabuck Development Company, Inc. as contract vendee
Ordinance No. BG2019-18 5/7/2019 Ordinance amending Chapter 25 (Code of Ethics) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to amend subchapters related to definitions, nepotism and financial disclosure as recommended by the Board of Ethics
Ordinance No. BG2019-17 5/7/2019 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to amend Subchapter 2-2 (Board of Commissioners) related to action by the Board of Commissioners as recommended by the Board of Ethics
Ordinance No. BG2019-16 5/7/2019 Ordinance annexing 20.51 acres of right-of-way located on Veterans Memorial Lane and Morgantown Road, presently owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-15 5/7/2019 Ordinance annexing 0.56 acre of right-of-way located on the I-65 and U.S. 31-W Connector Road along U.S. 68-80, presently owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-14 5/7/2019 Ordinance annexing 12.28 acres of right-of-way located on the I-65 to U.S. 31-W Connector Road from Mizpah Road to U.S. 31-W, presently owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits
Ordinance No. BG2019-13 5/7/2019 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules to replace “S” for Protective / Sworn with “F” for Fire and “P” for Police of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2020
Ordinance No. BG2019-11 4/16/2019 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 39.11 acres from AG (Agriculture), RM-3 (Multi-Family Residential), HB (Highway Business) and F (Floodplain) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential), HB (Highway Business) and F (Floodplain) located at 0 Veterans Memorial and 2337 Russellville Road, presently owned by Keystone Development Group, LLC c/o Matthew Tabor
Ordinance No. BG2019-10 4/16/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 14.20 acres from HB (Highway Business) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Nashville Road, presently owned by Nine Seventy Nine, LLC c/o Tommy Hunt
Ordinance No. BG2019-9 4/16/2019 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 0.2763 acre from RS-1A (Single Family Residential) to GB (General Business) located at 0 Memphis Junction Road, presently owned by B & B Cleaning Company, Inc. c/o Bruce Zachary
Ordinance No. BG2019-8 4/16/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 6.5 acres from GB (General Business) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 618 Lovers Lane, presently owned by Propero II Bowling Green, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2019-7 4/16/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.7002 acre from HB (Highway Business) to RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) located at 3885 Old Nashville Road Loop #1, presently owned by Elijah Properties, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2019-6 4/16/2019 An Ordinance creating and establishing for bid a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise for the placement of facilities for the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of telecommunications or related non-cable services within the public rights-of-way of City of Bowling Green for a ten (10) year duration; and providing for compliance with other relevant laws, regulations, standards, and ordinances; definitions; work, materials and construction standards; wire moving and tree trimming; indemnification; insurance; access to property and inspections; notice of filings with the public service commission; no vested rights; limited assignment; notice of foreclosure and bankruptcy; cancellation or termination; violations and penalties; permitting and inspection fees; additional permitting and other requirements for substantial new construction, and bid requirements, all effective on date of passage
Ordinance No. BG2019-5 3/5/2019 Ordinance approving Amendment Number Two to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019
Ordinance No. BG2019-4 3/5/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 9.9035 acres from AG (Agriculture) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 0 Three Springs Road, presently owned by Christian Life Center, with Golden Flower, LLC c/o Richard Feldman as contract vendee
Ordinance No. BG2019-3 3/5/2019 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 0.23 acre from RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to GB (General Business) located at 0 Campbell Lane, presently owned by Sandra Stewart, with Buckhead Kitchen & Bar LLP c/o Caitlin Davis as contract vendee
Ordinance No. BG2019-2 2/19/2019 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 39.71 acres from RS-1A (Single Family Residential), RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential), GB (General Business) and HB (Highway Business) to HB (Highway Business) located at 0 Campbell Lane, presently owned by Bale of Kentucky Family Limited Partnership with Menards, Inc. as contract vendee
Ordinance No. BG2019-1 2/5/2019 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 0.11 acre from RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to OP-C (Office Professional - Commercial) located at 640 East 3rd Avenue, presently owned by Gilbert, Barbee, Moore & McIlvoy, PSC, d/b/a Graves Gilbert Clinic
Ordinance No. BG2018-51 1/15/2019 Ordinance annexing a total of approximately 6.58 acres of property located at 618 Lovers Lane, with property presently owned by Propero II Bowling Green, LLC, with said territory being contiguous to existing city limits; and further approving an Associated Economic Development Annexation Incentive Agreement
Ordinance No. BG2018-50 1/15/2019 Ordinance approving the closing of a portion of Old Kentucky Street right-of-way located from the intersection of East 4th Avenue to approximately 700 feet west of the intersection of Kentucky Street and Louisville Road and West Riverview Drive
Ordinance No. BG2018-49 12/18/2018 Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Administration) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances making various administrative changes
Ordinance No. BG2018-48 12/18/2018 Ordinance amending Chapter 4 (Alcoholic Beverage Control) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to authorize additional classes of licenses authorized by State law, to revise one fee to comply with State law, and further authorize the City Alcoholic Beverage Control Administrator to obtain criminal backgrounds on applicants for licenses
Ordinance No. BG2018-47 12/18/2018 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.83 acres from HI (Highway Industrial) to GB (General Business) located at 3031 Nashville Road, presently owned by Providence Homes KY, LLC and Matthew Crabtree
Ordinance No. BG2018-46 12/4/2018 Ordinance amending Chapters 2 (Administration), Chapter 15 (Business and General Regulations) and Chapter 17 (Personnel Policies) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to rescind language related to the Administrative Appeals Board and to revise language providing for appeals to the board
Ordinance No. BG2018-45 11/20/2018 Ordinance amending Chapter 9 (General Offenses) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to repeal permit requirements for public panhandling, begging, charitable and political solicitation
Ordinance No. BG2018-44 11/20/2018 Ordinance approving Amendment Number One to the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2019
Ordinance No. BG2018-43 11/20/2018 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 2.551 acres from RM-4 (Multi-Family Residential) and HB (Highway Business) to HB (Highway Business) located at 0 Scottsville Road, presently owned by Bowling Green Partners, LLC
Municipal Order No. 2018-221 11/20/2018 Municipal Order accepting the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the period ended June 30, 2018 as prepared by the Department of Finance and audited by Mountjoy Chilton Medley CPAs & Advisors, LLP
Ordinance No. BG2018-42 10/16/2018 Ordinance annexing 9.62 acres of property located at 0 Morgantown Road, with property presently owned by Sevenplus, LLC and 2.18 acres of right-of-way, for a total of 11.80 acres with said territory being contiguous to existing City limits, approving the addition of this location to the target annexation area map and further approving an associated Economic Development Annexation Incentive Agreement
Ordinance No. BG2018-41 10/16/2018 Ordinance rezoning a portion of a tract of land containing 0.8819 acre from LI (Light Industrial) to HB (Highway Business) located at 112 W. 10th Avenue, presently owned by Hope House Ministries, Inc. c/o Bryan Lewis
Ordinance No. BG2018-40 9/26/2018 Ordinance amending Chapters 2 (Administration), 18 (Occupational License Fees and Taxes) and 25 (Code of Ethics) of the City of Bowling Green Code of Ordinances to reflect changes in organizational structure
Ordinance No. BG2018-39 9/26/2018 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 1.799 acres from GB (General Business) to LI (Light Industrial) located at 140 Hunter Court, presently owned by Rose Valley Banquet Hall, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2018-38 9/4/2018 Ordinance setting 2018 property tax rates, franchise tax rates and improvement assessment rates, and setting forth guidelines for payment, penalty and interest
Ordinance No. BG2018-37 9/4/2018 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 2.01 acres from AG (Agriculture) and RS-1A (Single Family Residential) to RS-1A (Single Family Residential) located at 0 Greenview Lane, presently owned by Sandra Franklin
Ordinance No. BG2018-36 9/4/2018 Ordinance amending the Classification/Pay Schedules “G” for General Classified and “D” for Department Head / Management Employees of the City of Bowling Green for Fiscal Year 2019
Ordinance No. BG2018-35 8/21/2018 Ordinance approving the closing of a portion of Chestnut Street right-of-way located between US-31W Bypass and Barren River
Ordinance No. BG2018-34 8/21/2018 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 18.8426 acres from AG (Agriculture) to RS-1D (Single Family Residential) located at Iris Hill Street and Sagittarius Avenue, presently owned by Gregg Reece and Dennis and Lori Causey
Ordinance No. BG2018-33 8/7/2018 Ordinance approving the closing of a portion of right-of-way located between 1169 and 1175 Clay Street
Ordinance No. BG2018-32 8/7/2018 Ordinance rezoning a tract of land containing 48.69 acres from RS-1D (Single Family Residential) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at 0 Plano Road, presently owned by Magnolia Hills, LLC
Ordinance No. BG2018-31 8/7/2018 Ordinance rezoning tracts of land containing 1.64 acres from R-E (Residential Estate) and PUD (Planned Unit Development) to HB (Highway Business) located on a portion of 0 Frist Boulevard and 570 Lovers Lane, presently owned by Greenhills Development Partners, LLC
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