Administration Division
The Administration Division is comprised of the Fire Chief, two Deputy Chiefs, one Executive Assistant, and one Office Associate. Administration provides guidance and support to the other fire divisions through planning, record keeping, program development, resource allocation and policy development (implementation and interpretation). Other Administrative functions include capital improvement oversight, succession planning and liaison with other city departments. In addition, one Deputy Chief manages all of our facilities, which includes all of our fire stations, one administrative building, and a multi-building training complex. Fire personnel perform cleaning and light maintenance work as part of their duties. We pride ourselves in the quality of our facilities and work hard to keep them in excellent condition.
Suppression Division
The Fire Suppression Division includes 123 sworn personnel divided into three shifts providing full-time response to all categories of emergencies. Suppression operates around the clock, working three shifts on a 24/48 hour rotation. The Department has seven stations strategically located to provide efficient coverage for the City. Plans for an eighth station are being finalized. Full time deployment capabilities include six standard Engine Companies, one Rescue Engine Company, one 107 foot Quint Aerial apparatus, two 100 foot Platform Aerial apparatus, and one Air Crash Rescue vehicles.
Additional reserve apparatus include a Quint Aerial apparatus and two additional engines fully equipped and ready for deployment during large-scale emergencies. Reserve apparatus are manned by call back off duty personnel or through our mutual aid agreement with Warren County Fire.
Fire Suppression personnel provide additional service to our community through many specialty and Technical Rescue programs. These include: EMS first responder, hazardous materials mitigation, rope rescue, water rescue, confined space rescue, trench rescue, structural collapse, auto and industrial extrication, and loss control. Thousands of hours are logged annually to maintain proficiency in these disciplines.
Prevention/Inspection Division
The Prevention/Inspection Division provides services that reduce the frequency of fire. This division is staffed with one Assistant Chief, one full-time Inspector (civilian), one Community Risk Reduction Coordinator/Public Information Officer, three Fire Investigators, and one Accelerant Detection Canine. This division is responsible for ensuring compliance with fire codes and regulations, investigating the cause of fires, and prosecuting arson and providing fire safety education to area schools, industry, and the community at large.
Training Division
The Training Division is currently staffed by one Assistant Chief, one Captain, and one Office Associate. This division coordinates, tracks, and records training for all department members in firefighting, fire rescue, hazardous materials, and all types of specialty rescue. The Department's Operations Schedule is produced and updated by this division. They assist with the development of training initiatives that include the latest methods, techniques and skills. Our training facility includes a live burn building, a three story training tower, a flashover chamber, and a short driver's training course. The Department is committed to a strong training program which includes outside instructors and travel for instructional purposes as resources permit. The fire service is a dynamic, changing profession requiring constant training to provide a high level of services.
Maintenance Division
Fire Administration works with the City's Fleet Maintenance Division to keep all fire apparatus in top condition. The Fire response fleet includes pump apparatus and aerial apparatus in combination with many special response vehicles that require advanced training and certification to properly maintain. Tools and equipment used in fire and rescue are complex and must be maintained according to strict standards. The BGFD is well equipped and takes pride in keeping all the tools of our trade ready to provide a professional response.
Human Resources Division
The Administrative Division of the Bowling Green Fire Department works with the City's Human Resource Department to provide a comprehensive recruitment, application, and testing process that ensures our Department will continue to maintain a pool of top quality fire candidates from which to hire. We conduct candidate testing annually or bi-annually as dictated by need. Any person wishing to be notified for application to the Fire Department may register their name and address with Human Resources and they will be contacted when the next application process begins.
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