Accounting Division

Finance Department - Main Hallway - 2017

About Us

Accounting Division is responsible for all City accounting transactions, preparing financial statements and reports, establishing and maintaining financial policies, preparing budget amendments, reconciling all City Bank accounts, and maintaining capital asset accounting and related physical inventories. Accounting staff prepare the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) and assist with the preparation of the City’s Annual Operating Budget.

Accounting Documents

Financial Policies:

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR): The ACFR includes the City’s audited financial statements and other relevant information required by governmental accounting standards. Effective in 2018, the SEFA is included in the ACFR publication. Prior year ACFRs can be viewed in the Financial Archive, links to the three most recent reports are below.

Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) - the PAFR is a brief summary of the ACFR. Prior year PAFRs can be viewed in the Financial Archive, links to the three most recent reports are below.
Single Audit Report - includes the City’s Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) and other related financial reports. Effective in 2018, the SEFA is included in the ACFR publication. Prior year SEFAs can be viewed in the Financial Archive, links to the three most recent reports are below.

Contact Us

Erin Ballou - Assistant CFO Erin Ballou
Assistant CFO

Jean Hurt - Accounting TechnicianJean Hurt
Accounting Technician

Robbi Hammock - Staff Accountant IIRobbi Hammock
Staff Accountant II

Contact Us


Physical Address:
City Hall Annex
1017 College Street
Bowling Green, KY 42101

Mailing Address:
City of Bowling Green
Accounts Payable 
PO Box 1180
Bowling Green, KY 42102-1180

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