2024 Fall Youth Lacrosse-Registration
Date: August 1, 2024
Time: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Contact: Cody Spalding
Location: 826 Woodway Bowling Green, KY 42101
2024 Fall Youth Lacrosse Registration
This league is for anyone who enjoys a fast-paced and full-action sport. Learn the game and seasoned players learn to develop the proper skills to carry their stick, pass, catch and shoot a ball into the goal for their team.
Registration is online at https://playbgpr.bgky.org
Registration Begins: July 19 at Noon
Registration Deadline: August 31 at Noon
Season: September 3-October 31 (Practices begin September 3 & Games begin September 12)
Games are played: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
Game Times: 5:00 pm-8:00 pm
Game Location: C.W. Lampkin Park Limestone Field, 826 Woodway
- Grades level is based on the 2024/2025 school year.
- The registration cost does NOT include a stick or protective gear.
- Make-up games will be scheduled during the week.
- Parents are responsible for mandatory equipment: helmet, stick, protective gear (gloves, arm pads and shoulder pads), athletic cup and mouth guard. Cleats are recommended, but not required.
Elementary Division I-(K-2nd grades):
Fee: $75/includes jersey and award
Elementary Division II (3rd-5th grades):
Fee: $75/includes jersey and award
Junior High Division (6th-8th grades):
Fee: $75/includes jersey and award
*Divisions may be combined if deemed necessary. Individual requests to play up are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
For more information contact Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Athletics at 270-393-3573.
Text "SportsBG" to 866-554-2755 for information relating to BGPR Athletic Programs.
Calendar: BGPR - Athletics
Let us know if anything is wrong with this page. However, please don't include any personal or financial information.