Reimbursement Information

Code Book Reimbursement

Any Company licensed through the Bowling Green / Warren County Contractors Licensing Board will be eligible to be reimbursed the full value of one code book per trade within the company as approved by the Contractors Licensing Board Director or Office Manager.

The maximum amount refunded shall not exceed the following:

General Contractor: $250.00

Specialty Contractor: $100.00


Contractor must fill out a Code Book Reimbursement Form. Forms are available for download, at the Contractors Licensing Board office, or by contacting Holly Warren at 270-781-3530.

Contractor must attach receipt or copy of their returned check for the purchase of the code book(s) and return it to 1141 State Street, Suite 200, or by mail to PO Box 1268, Bowling Green, KY 42102

Contractors Licensing Board Director or Office Manager must review and approve the code book reimbursement in accordance with the procedures approved by the Contractors Licensing Board.

Code Book Purchase Reimbursement Form

Seminar Reimbursements

Licensed contractors are eligible to receive reimbursement for the purchase and attendance of various training seminars in specific trades.


Contractor must contact the Contractors Licensing Board to make sure that their seminar qualifies for reimbursement (contact Bob Appling or Holly Warren at 270-781-3530)

Contractor must fill out a Seminar Reimbursement Form. Forms are available for download, at the Contractors Licensing Board office, or by contacting Holly Warren at 270-781-3530.

Contractor must attach receipt or copy of their returned check for the purchase of the seminar, and proof of attendance and return it to 1141 State Street, Suite 200, or by mail to PO Box 1268, Bowling Green, KY 42102

Contractors Licensing Board Director or Office Manager must review and approve the seminar reimbursement in accordance with the procedures approved by the Contractors Licensing Board.

Seminar Reimbursement Form

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