Consumer Resources
When selecting a contractor it is important to use caution – whether hiring a contractor for your new home, remodeling or home improvements. Making sure your contractor is licensed, insured and reputable will avoid a lot of problems.
The most frequent complaints involve cost overruns, missed deadlines and poor workmanship. Additional complaints involve unscrupulous contractors who take advance payments and then disappear before finishing or even starting work.
In the Bowling Green-Warren County area, all contractors are required by law to be licensed and insured regardless of the size of the project. When choosing a contractor, always check to see if they are licensed and in good standing. You may go online at, choose the "Search for Active Contractor" link and search by Company Name, Owner Name or Phone Number. You may also call the Contractors Licensing Board at 270-781-3530.
Most Bowling Green-Warren County contractors are hard working, honest, skilled and dependable. Before you hire a contractor for new construction on a home or remodeling work, the Contractors Licensing Board recommends the 10 steps detailed in this brochure. I hope these steps will make your building experience a pleasant one. If I or my staff can be of any further help, please call us at 270-781-3530.
Holly Warren
Executive Director
Contractors Licensing Board
How to Select a Contractor
Consumer Complaint Form
Public Records Request Form
Homeowners Sample Contract