Citation (Citation #: 2024-00017710)
Citation Number:
Date Issued:
Tue, Dec 10, 2024 9:00 AM
Final Order
Total Citation Amount:
Name of Person Cited:
Property in Violation:
PVA Parcel #: 041D22 030A
Property Owner:
Code Compliance Officer:
James Heady
Inspection Date:
Fri, Dec 6, 2024 3:45 PM
Code Violations (1)
Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance
Code Description:
1.) ZO Article 3, Section 3.2.1 – Site Work Permit and Building Permit. A complete application for a Building Permit shall be submitted to the Building Inspector of the appropriate agency, along with the appropriate review and inspection fee. Upon determination that the proposed development is in compliance with all requirements, including but not limited to this Ordinance and the adopted building code, the Building Inspector shall issue a building permit. Reference to the unpermitted gravel and required paved areas.
2.) ZO Article 4.6.8., Section E.9. – General Commercial Development Standards – Parking Surface. Drives and parking areas must be paved with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers, or similar permeable solid surface paving material.
3.) ZO Article 5.2.4, Section F.5.f. – Commercial Use Categories – Vehicle (Class 1 through 5) and Small Equipment Sales (up to 2,500 pounds) – The sale of all vehicles / equipment shall be subject to the following: 1. Paving. Sales operations shall be required to provide a paved display area with appropriate drainage.
4.) ZO Article 5.2.4, Section F.5.f. – Commercial Use Categories – Vehicle (Class 1 through 5) and Small Equipment Sales (up to 2,500 pounds) – The sale of all vehicles / equipment shall be subject to the following: 2. Lighting. Lighting on the property shall meet the requirements outlined in Section 4.6.8.I.1.
5.) ZO Article 5.2.4, Section F.5.f. – Commercial Use Categories – Vehicle (Class 1 through 5) and Small Equipment Sales (Up to 2,500 pounds) – The sale of all vehicles / equipment shall be subject to the following: 3. Screening. All Sales operations shall be screened from view from any adjacent residential use, including a residential use located across a public right-of-way, with a minimum 6-foot high opaque decorative fence or an opaque evergreen planting strip that is a minimum of 5 feet high upon planting and can be expected to be 8 feet high within two years of planting.
6.) ZO Article 4.6.8, Section D.3.a.1.2.3. – Landscaping – Screening of Vehicle Use Areas (VUA). - a). When a Vehicle Use Area (VUA) is located adjacent to any public right-of-way, the screen shall contain:
1). Three deciduous shade trees and two evergreen trees per 100 linear feet of screening, for the area where the VUA is adjacent to, and within 100 feet of a common property line, or two deciduous shade trees, 20 shrubs per 100 linear feet of screening.
2). Up to one-half of the deciduous shade trees and evergreens may be substituted with ornamental trees. The substitution rate shall be tow ornamental trees for each shade or evergreen tree.
3). All screening between a VUA and a common property line must be an average of ten (10) feet in width with the minimum dimension being five (5) feet. The minimum width may be reduced to no less than three (3) feet. The difference between the required area of landscaping and the amount of the reduction must be provided in other areas of the development (i.e. increased buffers along other property lines, foundation plantings, additional interior VUA landscaping, etc.) in order for the minimum width to be reduced.
7.) ZO Article 4.6.8, Section D.3.a.4.i.ii.iii – Landscaping – Screening of Vehicle Use Areas (VUA). - a). When a Vehicle Use Area (VUA) is located adjacent to any public right-of-way, the screen shall contain:
i. A minimum of 70 percent of the distance where a VUA is adjacent to a right-of-way or common property line shall be screened with shrubs to be maintained at a minimum of 24 inches and a maximum of 42 inches in height, with one-half of the shrubs used for this being of an evergreen species.
ii. Two deciduous shade trees per 100 linear feet of screen. Shade trees may be substituted with ornamental trees at the rate of two ornamental trees per shade tree
iii. All screens between a VUA and right-of-way must be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width. The minimum width may be reduced to no less than three (3) feet. The difference between the required area of landscaping and the amount of the reduction must be provided in other areas of the development (i.e. increased buffers along other property lines, foundation plantings, additional interior VUA landscaping, etc.) in order for the minimum with to be reduced.
8.) ZO Article 4.6.8, Section D.4.a.b.c.d.e.f. – Landscaping – Interior Vehicle Use Areas (VUA) Landscaping. Any open Vehicle Use Area (VUA) (excluding loading, unloading and storage areas in an industrial zone) containing 6,000 square feet of parking area shall provide interior landscaping in addition to the previously required VUA perimeter landscaping. Where a VUA is altered or expanded to increase to 6,000 or more square feet of area, interior landscaping shall be provided for the entire VUA area. Planting adjacent to or within ten feet of a building is considered foundation planting and is not counted towards the requirements of this section. All interior VUA shall be planted at the following rate:
a. A minimum of five percent VUA landscaping shall be provided in planting islands or peninsulas.
b. The minimum landscape area to be counted towards the requirements of this section shall be 64 square feet, with a minimum island or peninsula width of six feet
c. Required landscape areas shall be dispersed throughout the VUA, with no area being larger than 400 square feet, areas over this amount are permitted when in excess of the required five percent.
d. Landscape islands shall be required at the ends of all parking bays.
e. A minimum of one tree shall be planted within each landscape island or peninsula.
f. There shall be no more than 20 parking spaces between islands or peninsula in a VUA. This is to include parking adjacent to common property lines or public rights-of-way
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