Citation (Citation #: 2024-00007989)
Citation Number:
Date Issued:
Fri, May 24, 2024 10:32 AM
Appeal Filed
Total Citation Amount:
Name of Person Cited:
Property in Violation:
PVA Parcel #: 039B03 044
Property Owner:
Code Compliance Officer:
James Heady
Inspection Date:
Tue, May 21, 2024 12:15 PM
Code Violations (6)
Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance
Code Description:
1.) ZO Article 3, Section 3.2 - Site Work Permit and Building Permit – It shall be unlawful to begin the construction of any structure or to begin the moving or alteration of any structure or begin or change the use of a premises until the Building Inspector has issued a site work permit (if required by Sec. 3.12.5) and a building permit.
The use of the premises was converted from single family residential to industrial, prior to the issuance of a site work permit, as required in Section 3.12.5.B, outlined below.
Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance
Code Description:
2.) ZO Article 3, Section 3.12.5. B - Site Development Plan Required - Prior to the issuance of site work permits or building permits, a site development plan shall be reviewed by the comprehensive development review committee for any new industrial development, regardless of the area disturbed.
The use of the premises was converted to industrial use, in addition to gravel areas being added to the site, before approval of a site development plan, and before issuance of a site work permit.
Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance
Code Description:
3.) ZO Article 4.7.3, Section E.3. – General Industrial Development Standards – Off-Street Parking & Loading - Parking Surface. Drives and parking areas must be paved with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers, pervious material or similar permeable paving material.
The gravel travelways and parking areas are not permitted in the current LI zoning classification.
Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance
Code Description:
4.) ZO Article 5.2.5, Section 5.b.1.a. – Industrial Use Categories – Specific Use Standards – Industrial Services with Outdoor Components – Towing Operations / Vehicle Storage. Industrial services containing an outdoor component related to the principal use of the property including towing operations and vehicle storage are subject to the following specific use standards: 1) Towing Operations/Vehicle Storage – a.) Storage of vehicles must be located outside public right-of-way and screened from view from public right-of-way or an incompatible use by a continuous planting, opaque fence, wall or earthen berm or combination thereof. The average height of the screening material shall be one foot more than the parts or vehicles to be screened. When plant material is utilized for screening, the plant material must be able to provide 100 percent screening within 3 years.
The fencing installed around the perimeter of the property does not provide adequate screening from public right-of-way (Beauty Avenue), and does not comply with the specific use standards for towing operations/vehicle storage.
Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance
Code Description:
5.) Article 4, Section 4.7.3.G – Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage shall be allowed in the LI and HI districts, in accordance with this Section. Such storage shall include materials, supplies or equipment situated outdoors and shall be subject to the requirements of this Section. Such storage shall only include materials, supplies or equipment that are directly related to, or that will serve the principal use of the property. Such storage shall not include junk, trash, garbage or other debris.
The tree debris, fence panels, lumber and rock pile are not serving the principal use of the property for towing operations.
Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance
Code Description:
6.) Article 4, Section 4.7.3.G.b – Location and Screening of Outdoor Storage – 3) If located within 100 feet of any property line or right-of-way, all outdoor storage areas shall be treated similarly to a VUA, and shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 4.6.8.D.3 of this ordinance.
The outdoor storage is not screened in accordance with section 4.6.8.D.3 of the zoning ordinance.
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