Adult Kickball/Dodgeball
The Kickball League is for male and female participants fifteen (15) years and older. The roster consists of a maximum of sixteen (16) players. Games are five (5) innings and played with eleven (11) fielders. All matches are played at C.W. Lampkin Park, 938 Morgantown Road.
The Dodgeball League is for male or female participants fifteen (15) years and older. The roster consists of a maximum of ten (10) players and six (6) players on the court at once (three[3] male and three [3] female). All matches will be played at Kummer Little Recreation Center, 333 College Street.
There have been no recent announcements released by the BGPR for Kickball/Flag Football
Contact Us
Pete Samios
Athletics Supervisor
Cody Spalding
Athletics Coordinator
Let us know if anything is wrong with this page. However, please don't include any personal or financial information.