Neighborhood Builders Awards Honors More Than Two Dozen Individuals & Organizations
- Published:
- November 27, 2024
- Category:
- Neighborhood & Community Services
- Contact:
- Karen Foley - 270-393-3674
- Location:
- Bowling Green, KY

The Department of Neighborhood & Community Services honored more than two dozen deserving nominees when it held its 22nd Neighborhood Builders Awards Banquet this week.
22nd Neighborhood Builders Awards
Presented 25 November 2024
Special Recognitions
Dr. Richard Greer, formerly of Dutch Gardens Neighborhood, now in another community
From the nomination: "Richard was instrumental in founding the Dutch Gardens Home Owners Association and believed a neighborhood should be a safe and caring place to live. As a car enthusiast, he was instrumental in bringing a national car show to Bowling Green. He was proud to show off our community and was a great ambassador for Bowling Green."
Miliska Knauft, formerly of Fieldstone Farms, now in another community
From the nomination: "Miliska went above and beyond as a Fieldstone Farms HOA leader, serving in multiple roles including as an officer while also handling the website and newsletter. She was an avid fixture of our local arts community as well as a Historic RailPark supporter."
Jeane Robertson, posthumous
From the nomination: "As a strong advocate for the aging population not only in Bowling Green and Warren County, but also in Kentucky and nationwide, if there was a soap box to stand on, Jeane was there speaking to and holding office in organizations that were beginning to see the importance of appreciating our elderly population. Jeane was instrumental in establishing the first Adult Day Care Center here, where working care takers could leave aging loved ones in a safe environment while they were working during the day. Jeane taught many to become advocates for their elderly family members without fear of reproach. She recently passed away and remained interested in other's welfare to the end even when she became housebound. We acknowledge and remember Jeane Robertson as a pioneer of Age Friendly BG and a Dutch Gardens neighbor."
Community Builders:
- Zechariah Kistler, Youngest Nominee, Hunting Creek Neighbor
- Jared Kunish, Social Media Storyteller and Go BG Transit’s Gary Transit
- Gumirakiza Jean Dominique, Foundation for Connecting Communities
- Dwan Savage, Todd Barnard & Tony Bigbee, Hillview Mills HOA
- BG Amplify Foundation
- Bill Schnauel, Sandra Street Neighbors
Mortar Award: awarded to someone who lends cohesion and strength to a neighborhood through dedicated and diligent work behind the scenes
Presented to David & Mary Walter, Briarwood Neighborhood
From the nomination: "From the moment our moving truck pulled up, our neighbors David and Mary welcomed us with open arms. David’s genuine kindness and unwavering support instantly made us feel at home. Shortly after our arrival, they hosted a delightful breakfast gathering that introduced us to many of our wonderful new neighbors."
Presented to Jim & Alaina Bronson, Hunting Creek Neighborhood
From the nomination: “They are always willing to share a smile and wave and lend a helping hand in whatever way they can without being asked. During the winters, you might find them going from house to house, blowing snow out of driveways at sunrise or delivering Christmas tins full of chocolate candies to every house.”
Presented to Elinor Markle, Roselawn Way
From the nomination: “When a neighbor fell, Elinor drove her to the hospital and sat with her for the duration. She still checks on the neighbor daily, getting her mail, sharing the newspaper and assisting her with some of the basics of trying to remain independent. She offers starts of flowers from her yard. When new neighbors move into the area, she often is one of the first people on the street to interact with them and welcome them.”
Blueprint Award: awarded to a neighborhood leader who demonstrates outstanding vision, planning, and follow-through in enriching not just their own neighborhood, but others as well.
Presented to Lisa Cook, Northern Heights Parker Bennett & BGCAN
From the nomination: “After listening to Lisa encourage prospective students all day long, my colleague ended up committing to finishing her last remaining credit hours to complete her degree. Lisa made the difference in that moment, just like she has done in countless encounters over the years with neighbors young and old, from all walks of life. Lisa Cook carries vision, planning and execution in everything she does, and Northern Heights-Parker Bennett and all our neighborhoods are better for it."
Presented to Tessa Norris, SOKY Marketplace & A Better BG
From her nomination: “She is a founding member of A Better BG, a brand new non-profit organization that will help the City of Bowling Green to harness corporate sponsorships to invest in our riverfront, downtown development, and other quality of life initiatives. If you enjoyed a farmer’s market day this year, or Croptoberfest, an Afghanistan lunch, or a yoga session downstairs at the old Taylor’s Chapel at SOKY Marketplace, then you’ve seen firsthand Tessa’s work and vision for an inclusive, artistic, tasty, and local-grown downtown experience."
Bullhorn Award: awarded to a neighbor or organization for local community work to amplify voices and spaces that build and enhance community.
Presented to David Downing, Yellowberri, BG Amplify Foundation
From the nomination: “He has dedicated his life to encouraging the creation of new community arts and music events, empowering an alternative press that gives voices to those we don't hear enough from, developing our future workforce through creative efforts with the Bowling Green Chamber's SCK Launch program, and bringing the visuals to life for the revival of our community-wide Duncan Hines Days event for its first couple seasons. Find him rattling community cages whenever he discovers a need - or just building a new program or event that answers the call himself! He cares about you, me, nature, the animals, and the next generation.”
Foundation Award: awarded to neighbors whose exceptional service and care for others provide stabilization and security, laying a solid foundation upon which future generations may succeed.
Presented to Amaan Rushdi
From the nomination: “Amaan has been a leader in the refugee community for more than ten years. Not only has he assisted new Americans in becoming rightful citizens of the United States, he insures everyone receives the respect and honor they deserve. He's assisted new Americans in understanding how to contribute to the community, whether that's economically or via community service. He assists them in translation and in transition.”
Presented to Akili Issa Delphin, SOPADAS
From the nomination: “I was thinking of working in a warehouse as most immigrants do. I didn’t know if I had a future after high school. So I started working in a warehouse as normal but I received a call from this organization (SOPADAS) telling me that there’s life after high school. They advised me the importance of going to college and getting a degree. Once I was convinced with what they told me, I immediately quit my warehouse job and enrolled into college. Now I’m a sophomore at WKU majoring in computer science. I would like to thank them for giving me hope.”
Pillar Award: awarded to an anchoring business or organization that enhances the appearance and vitality of a neighborhood with a high standard of upkeep and service to the community
Presented to HOTEL, Inc.
From the nomination: “They helped us to get our neighbors together and form our neighborhood group. They listen and they ask US what WE think. Now we have a place to meet together, the market where we can shop, our own library branch, and each other. Neighbors can also enjoy access to a Community Tool Box that includes access to tools and supplies needed for all kinds of year-round home maintenance. With support from an AARP Community Challenge grant, HOTEL, Inc. has offered trainings and resources to seniors in Delafield and across Bowling Green on topics like home modifications for aging in place, scam prevention, and so much more. As Delafield Neighborhood Group leader Joyce Tann has said, “I want them to know me. And when they know me, they hear my voice. Now they know who I am.”
Cornerstone Award: awarded to a neighborhood leader who serves as a catalyst and motivator in recruiting others to participate in meeting neighborhood or community challenges
Presented to Karika Nelson, BG Freedom Walkers
From the nomination: “Not only do they (BG Freedom Walkers) feed the tummy, they intend to nourish the mental and physical wellbeing of our community when hosting the Annual Recovery Fest and Stop the Violence event. Karika displays infinite provision for her own culture in hosting one of the largest annual Juneteenth Celebrations in this portion of Kentucky. Karika does all of this and more while supporting other organizations, challenging injustices, and continuing to find ways to build up Bowling Green.”
Presented to Deborah Anthony, Kenton Street
From the nomination: “Our neighborhood was slated to be rezoned from residential to commercial. Our family has lived in the same house on Kenton Street since 1973. It is a historically black neighborhood, which was home for several black community and business leaders in Bowling Green. Deborah Anthony was the catalyst for Bellvue Heights coming into existence through Mr. Desmond Bell, and if it had not been for her diligence, and the willingness to fight to preserve this neighborhood, Kenton Street would no longer be home for any of us. Therefore, we all consider Deborah Anthony our neighborhood hero.”
Model Neighborhood Award: awarded to a neighborhood that has achieved a model level of community spirit, cooperation and communication as a vital neighborhood in Bowling Green
Presented to Sandra Street Neighbors
From the nomination: “The Sandra Street Neighbors are one of the longest-tenured, consistently active volunteer neighborhood groups in the City of Bowling Green. They consist of a single block of mostly senior homeowners who own attached patio homes, with rental duplexes and townhouses mixed in throughout. They are small, but they are mighty! They have participated as mentors for other neighborhood groups through their involvement in the founding of Bowling Green Coalition of Active Neighborhoods (BGCAN), helped collect resident survey data for the original Greenway paths on Veterans Memorial and connecting their neighborhood to Walmart on Morgantown Road, have regularly hosted officials for neighborhood socials, have been proactive and positive in finding ways to connect with new neighbors in the area and working to voice concerns and find ways to address complex issues in the neighborhood. They communicate with one another, look out for one another, and remain in contact regularly with City staff so we always know what is happening on Sandra Street and the trends they are observing. In many ways they are a model group of neighbors representing a geographic area that can serve as a great test location for addressing concerns we see across the City.”
The Inaugural Karen Foley Award (established 2024): presented to Neighborhood Services Coordinator Karen Foley, who has more than 25 years of service in the role and more than 29 total years of service with the City of Bowling Green. Karen founded the Neighborhood Builders Awards in 2000.
For more information about the Neighborhood Builders Awards, the nominees or other neighborhood programming, email or call 270-393-3674.
A gallery of photographs from the event, along with a highlight reel have been posted on the City of Bowling Green's social media channels. Follow the City of Bowling Green's social media for future highlights of these great neighbors and other neighborhood successes.
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